Girl's Helpful Night Outs

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These are one of my story ideas from my new book.

The girl hermits would have their girl's night out once a week or 2. And sometimes the girls would invite one of the male hermtis everytime they're tired, stress or troubled, even if they try to decline.

Also I wanted to try writing the three female hermits as the main characters of the story, and I honestly had fun making this one. ^°^

It just has sooo manyyyy wooordddsss! Oh dear lord! °^°


~~~Night Out 1~~~
~~~Stress' POV~~~

I walked peacefully through the districts, me and the girls were gonna have a night out at Cleo's ship and it has been a while since we had a night out!

I couldn't contain my bubbly giggles as the pirate district was soon at view. But I did not expect to bump into another hermit, we both fell on the ground with both our heads slightly aching from the bump. "Owww..." I winced, but somehow managed to recover myself. "Joe? Did not expect you to be here." I chuckled softly.

My smile fell when I saw the troubled and nervous expression he had, which wasn't right. "Joe you okay? Your not usually one to stay speechless in any situation such as this?" I asked, concerned.

"Oh no no I'm fine." He gave a slight smile, picking up the broken pickaxe and diamonds that scattered on the floor. I noticed the grey powder in his pants and a few gravel stuck on the back of his shirt. "Were you mining for some diamonds?" The hermit suddenly winced....

"W-hat else would I be doing with a broken pick?" He chuckled, but I still did not smile. "You seemed a bit surprised when I said you were mining for some diamonds." I placed my hand on the troubled hermit's shoulder. "Is there something wrong?..."

Joe gave a sudden frown but stayed quiet....for a while.... "Nothing much... Just replacing the debt I burdened on myself..." He mumbled, holding the pick in a tighter grip. "Debt?" I looked at him, confused.

"Yeah, I probably owe Jevin more than 200 diamonds blocks that I've lost, and the ravanger game doesn't even count!" He explained, glancing nervously at a different direction. "I was just... very stupid enough to get caught by a demise trap, furthermore forget that ender chests are a thing..."

I just stared at the disappointed hermit, forgetting the pickaxe he released from his grip about a minute ago.... "Love, IJevin is not here."

"What if he visits the server because of some event or tournament or something?!" He answered in a panic state.

"Still, I don't think Jev would like to see you worry over diamonds he no longer cares about. If I were you I would owe him properly next season. I heard season 7 is a chance for change and redemption according to other hermits." I smiled up to him. I extended my hand towards his and held his rough hands carefully.

"Geez Joe how long have you been in the mines? YOU NEED A MAKEOVER!! Wanna go join our girls night again?" I gave a little smirk, but Joe gave a little nod. "I don't really wanna intrude again like last time, plus I don't really want you girls wasting your time fixing me up." He replied, politely yried letting go of my hand, but I did not let him go that easily.

"What are talking about? We loved your company last time! Besides, I wanna hear more ridiculous stories about the male hermits here. I heard that Ex has a thing for Mumbo." I smirked mischievously, which setted off the hermit to a fit of laughter, tearing up from the giggles he tried holding.

"Why not? I wanna hear the tales of events and mishaps that these hermits have difficulty coping with." He smiled warmly. "THAT'S THE JOE I KNOW AND LOVE!!" I exclaimed happily before dragging the hermit to the nearest boat.

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