My realization 1

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Warning: ?????

~~~Joe's POV~~~
~~~Statue of Hermity~~~ was peaceful today. The clouds drifted above, forming peculiar shapes in the blue sky. It felt great to feel the breeze blowing my brown hair, living my life to the fullest. With a warm smile on my face I knew today was a day to let the silence comfort me..

With my fingertips touching the binders of my book, a sudden thump startled me a bit. I turned around and saw a certain creeper hybrid, tall and steady, but his face says otherwise. "Howdy Docm! Perfect day to finally escape the clutches of the boring bed?" I asked.

The hermit looked slightly surprised but gave out a soft chuckle. "Guess so, though I almost survived a decade without getting ill. Sadly though the flu finally caught up to me." He walked pass beside my shoulder and sat on the prismarine block. "But still, it feels so good to fINAlly breAThee~~" he stretched his arm, giving out a satisfactory sigh.

"Well, glad that you feel better." I replied.

We both sat in stunned silence but with no awkward tension around us. The calm breeze eased our bodies, and the company of one another was rather comforting. As I hummed a little tune, unfamiliar to others. I noticed Doc's expression was rather... rather sad.

Though he still had a smile on his face, his eyes told a different story. "Joe... Can I tell you something? Just between the both of us? I need to get this out of my chest." The question was rather out of the blue, but I didn't care if it was. "Of course!" I exclaimed. "What's on your mind?"

Doc looked down, closes his eyes, and took a deep breath. He reopened them and his calm expression seemed to fall that quickly. "While I was...stuck in bed, I had some time to think about my thoughts.." he stared from the opposite direction of the shopping district. "And something has been bothering me for a while now.."

"When we entered season 6, I wanted nothing more than to just, enjoy the season. You know, just chilling, building mega projects, maybe meet Ren or Bdubs. But ever since the Civil War.... I think everyone started... judging me. Not just the hermits, the viewers as well..."

He paused a bit to catch his breath again, then he added; "If you saw my comment section, everyone had a full on civil war against me and my stupid bush obsession." He looked at me, chuckling. I couldn't help but also join in.

" Yeah, same goes for me. My comments section roared like a mighty storm because pouring lava on someone's base was 'Not.a.good.Joehills.difference." I giggled to myself. "Grian fans are scary sometimes."

We both died down the laughter when Doc's face broke to a frown. "But still.... I've been pictured as the opposite side of good. I don't want to be seen as.... An intimidating hermit, even if it does have its uses.. I want to bring everyone's trust on me.."

"So your upset 'cause you didn't have what you wanted?" I asked. "Kind of, though I don't think ideally of the season. I just desire to show everyone... That I'm not a bad person that everyone sometimes think I know?" He said.

I dangled my legs around the ledge, looking down at the end of the statue of hermity. "I have to say Doc, I  don't think any of the hermits think of you that way...but I can I see why you'd think that way. You want to show everyone a better impression of yourself, not what others see in you."

He gave a silent nod, a bit overwhelmed with the topic. "Yeah.." he mumbled.

"It's not too late to fix that." I added. "That is something that you can bring back Doc. You can show others what your really like, without their cautious actions and slight fear lingering around them. It's... Redeemable I guess?" I said wholeheartedly, earning a small smile from the creeper hybrid.

"A lot of people don't have the chance to change the present from what happened in the past. Take Bdubs for example, he only had one last chance to see his baby daughter again... Or me-" I paused....... Doc stared at me, confused when I inlcuded myself. " also lost something?" He asked.

I surpassed a sad grin before looking back at Doc, "You could say... I'm going solo with the kids nowadays." I quietly chuckled, but Doc just gave me a guilty looking expression. "I'm sorry that I reminded yo-

"No No it's okay! I feel kind of glad that I was able to talk about this stuff, just venting out our woes, being with a friend, right?" I asked, warmly smiling at the hermit. "Heh, I guess.." He shrugged, patting my shoulder before he stood up from the prismarine block.

"Thanks again Joe.. for the talk. I feel slightly better about myself now."

I still sat near the edge, but turned around and gave him a satisfied nod. "The afternoon skies aren't always blue, doesn't mean that there is nothing to do." I broke into another fit of laughter before containing myself. "Ignore my silliness Doc, have a good day."

"Hehe, that's the Joehills difference I guess." Doc smirked before turning back to a different direction..... "See you around!"

*Docm77 left the server *

~~~~~To be continued~~~~~

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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