Infections to Dreams (pt. 4 )

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(Seriously, when am I ending this? It's been in my to do list for almost half the month.... anyways, let's see where things go for our wonderful hermits. Will they go uphill or downhill?)

After Iskall nearly about to kill Con Corp for this, Mumbo was beside the sleeping Grian, getting ready to see two death messages on the screen. After waking up from the giggles and awed hermits infront of their Sahara project, Iskall left Mumbo and the Grian and started rampaging on the two Vexes. Leaving Mumbo to carry Grian back to his base. Now there here, safe and sound.

Mumbo stared at Grian as he first remembered seeing his face looked so tired and panicked when he saw Mumbo himself.... he was still surprised that Grian remembered so much about what happened during that horrible event.

He too felt like he wanted scream, to cry....... but he couldn't cry, he shouldn't! He should be here for his pal, who I think has suffered way more than I did.

Killing a best friend, being chained away from the friends who you trusted, being stabbed by words by them even if you did nothing, being controlled just by one tiny liquid as you're forcefully and secretly watching everything that's going on and you can't do anything about it....

Because.... you're hidden in a black world within you.... where you can do nothing about it..... seeing them suffer, cry, hurt... all because of yourself....

I wouldn't blame Grian if I wanted to disappear and never seized to exist... it would be too much to handle..... "I understand now...." mumbled Mumbo to himself.....

" Even when a tiny laugh is heard from the distance, a tear is soon to follow. When a life is limited, so is our happiness. When a pen writes a word, it's too late to erase..."

Mumbo looked down on the concrete floor, thinking of those words over and over again. "You can't erase it.... you can't erase it.... you can't erase it...." it repeated through his head like a redstone repeater....

"But you can cross it... You can cross out the word and continue writing. Let the burdened mark be left behind from the paper... errors soon happen.... but our ink goes on till all of its ink is out.... like how our life goes on till our heart stops...."

Mumbo thought again..... everything in his mind was filled with so much reasons and quotes inside his head. He felt like poetry, statistically he felt like Joehills.

But he stopped thinking, he should not let that surpass him. Instead went to Grian's messy storage system to look for medicine and a couple of food.

Seeing as it was a huge mess, soon gave up annoyingly and flew off to the night sky get some medicine and food...


After messaging Iskall to stop raging at Con Corp's and look after Grian. Mumbo soon felt a bit calmer and swoop by Stress's to get some medicine. As he lands near her ice castle, he sees Stress writing something down on her book and quill.

"Stress?" Asked the mustache hermit as Stress flinched and accidentally dropped her book on the ice cold sea. "Oh, h-hi Mumbo?" She said nervously.

"Sorry about your book, I just wanted to ask you if you got some medicine or food?" "O-Of course, here!" She said as she goes through her inventory and gives him the requirements he needed.

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