A message for DarkMoon458

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DarkMoon458, wether it's fake or not (because I don't trust people that easily) I should at least do this.....

This advice is what most people say to people having mental breakdowns. I would advice you to keep a journal about it. Write your feelings down in paper. Better showing it than isolating your feelings from the world. But know your boundaries about showing it, it's just a way to at least express it a bit.

If you can't hold it up then talk about it with someone you trust and care, like your parents, maybe a friend, so that they can support you wether you like it or not. (Trust me, they can sometimes be persuasive)

But if you had trust issues with them.... then I suggest using this advice:

"Pity yourself and life becomes an endless nightmare"
-Osamu Dazai

I mean, I can see why most people blames themselves or hates themselves. But that will just get in the way... it's only gonna make things worse if you just sit there and cry about your woes, it's a waste of time (no offense) . So I  advice you not to let whatever is affecting you put you down easily. Although, go to the wrong path... and that nightmare is endless.....

(Basically these are one of the reasons why I followed this quote, was it really worth crying about?)

But if my tips for you were quite useless then pls ignore little old me pls? T^T

I know I could have done this during the announcement but my tips were freaking long.

And I'm sorry if some of these were kinda offensive to anyone who's reading this. This is my personal opinion and it's ok if it kinda hurts you, because everyone has their own opinion and I respect that.

But DarkMoon458...... just hope your ok.

See you beneath the
Ladies and gents ;)


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