Tagged again

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Ok, it's been a while since I was tagged. So I'll just do the following.


1. What is the worst name you could give your child?

Don't know, I'm more worried about what name I could name my child.... maybe.... Jojo....

2. Best inspirobot you have ever gotten.

Here, I'll just put a bonus quote because it really is a sensible quote I followed through my whole lot life

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Here, I'll just put a bonus quote because it really is a sensible quote I followed through my whole lot life.

Here, I'll just put a bonus quote because it really is a sensible quote I followed through my whole lot life

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3. What is the funniest name you've ever heard used in the real world?

It would be "Atsushi". Every time I here that name, I would always think of @sushi from facebook. XD

4. If your 5-year old self inhabited your body, what would they do first?

Their gonna question why have so many anime pictures, videos, games, wallpapers in my tablet . Check on YouTube to see that my recommendation is full of hermitcraft and anime vids. Then find out that I actually have a YouTube channel.

Then they'll go find my Dora the explorer doll and play with it for hours.

5. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?

Pls don't take this offensive but humans are kinda animals... some humans can be very rude (especially my sister, not even a please or thank you would be enough)..... mah opinion anyway...

I'm not saying your all rude, but some people are.

6. What's the most ridiculous fact you ever knew?

It's either a fact or a superstition that when you sometimes sneeze, either someone is talking about you, or you just have a cold.

7. In one sentence, how do you describe the internet?

A chaotic beautiful mess °^°

8. What would the world be like there was only male and female versions of yourself?

Marry myself, was there any point of asking?

9. What would be the worst thing the government could make illegal?

Ban anime for good T^T

10. If peanut butter wasn't called peanut butter, then what would you call it?

Peanut spread

11. If you were wrongfully put in an asylum, how can you convince them that your actually sane?

Talk.... just talk to them.... if you had the chance, have a little conversation.... at least show proof that your actually sane.

12. Toilet paper, over or under?

Meh, over will do

13. What are the best inside jokes you've been part of?


14. What would be the worst "buy one get one free" deal of all time?

Dogs.... just dogs.... hell no (Srry dog lovers)


Since I don't want to make a tag war, I'll just tag a few different people..... by making my sister choose! ;D

Dolce_Chan123 because my sister likes your style for some reason ;)

becca4leafclover because she also likes your style ;)

AquaticAndFantastic for some reason she says your style is black and white for some reason, is she color blind? °^°

thebirdfantasy my sister says your amazing and fancy

Unicornthalady she's singing "THE POWER OF UNICORN"

KaitouDarkHeart12 because my sister loves Miya Lol

My sister is just choosing favourite profiles for some reason XD
PLS no hate for her, she's still very young

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Ladies and gents

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