Chapter 3.

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"Could you stop reading?" Mom asks irritably. She stands in front of me crossing her arms. I feel she is gazing at me badly.

"Iris!" She calls me again. "I saw your room, it's really a mess."

I ignore her. I'm on the last page, she can perfectly wait.

"Have you already forgotten what I told you yesterday?" She demands sitting next to me. But I still ignore her by trying to move. But in that instant, she grabs the book from my hands and orders me to listen.

"What?!" I reply without looking at her. It pisses me off when she has to ruin my day. She always has something to complain about.

"We women must know the basics. Cooking, washing and PUTTING things in order, as well as knowing how to dress well." She sighs. "I am not saying this to make you angry. It is fundamental, not only for yourself but also a way to show what you worth."

"It doesn't make sense but whatever, mom." I say, rolling my eyes.

She waves the book, trying to catch my attention. "This certainly won't help you. Indeed it is ruining you. You are always on your own, locked in a world that doesn't exist for what? To get away from reality."

"You don't know anything about what is ruining me." I grab the book walking away, leaving her alone in the kitchen.

She still thinks she is allowed to enter my room. She will never treat me like a grown woman that way. What makes me crazy is her opinions on every single thing I do. Especially about me reading or writing. She considers them not good pastimes, or let's say they don't make me productive enough. My theory is, she has always wanted to see me perfect in small things. Above all in playing the role of the woman. If she doesn't like the orderliness of my room, she weighs it on me for the rest of the day, and obviously by criticizing me.

"A woman has to be perfect." She explained last night. "Not only to be loved but also for herself. That's what makes her strong and determined."

I hate that topic. It's the only lesson she gives me. But I had to pretend she was right. Otherwise she would have had the chance to complain again. Living with her and listening to same stories, caused myself to compare with others. I hate her because of that. And when Saturday comes, I usually go out with her. There is always the risk to argue, so I have to listen to her. I have the feeling that if she would yell at me, all people could hear her. Their eyes would focus on us, and then think badly of me.

I can't tolerate it, I care about others' opinions. It's the only way for me to improve myself, even if this requires me to change. That's why I follow many tips of how to take care of my body or what to eat to have a good shape. In fact, staying in the Victoria's secret shop, I can admire those beautiful models. In addition to being graceful, they are perfect in every part of their body. On the contrary, I am a bit opposite. Looking at me in the mirror, I can see two long legs and short torso. Everything is fine, except my arms. They are practically the same as those who do the weight competition.

This is what drives me crazy. It doesn't make me look delicate, and graceful like those models. Even their skin is which I still can't treat it. Furthermore those costumes and clothing make them look non-human. If I had them on, I would look like a hen with the purpose of looking like an eagle.

As I look around, I am surprised how many girls do not have these problems. Watching them looking curiously for those clothes takes away all my confidence. But I instantly turn attention away to a group of guys, who frame me interested. To immediately realize that they were actually staring at a trio of girls behind me. They are all pretty, especially the one in the center. She is tall, has red long hair with beautiful green eyes. Her body is proportionate. She has thin and strong legs at the same time. And then those arms...they are so delicate. The style looks great on her. Especially that white tank top, which highlights her long red hair. I am speechless of what I'm looking at, no wonder why those guys stare at her amazingly.

"Did you know that Sarah is no longer a virgin?" Nikki says. "I mean she's too ugly. I can't imagine her have done it with someone like Austin." She concludes by putting on lipstick.

"I, on the contrary, am jealous." Kelly replies. "Like, I also want to live that experience."

"Which won't happen if you shove yourself down on junk food." Nikki replicates by tearing the bag of chips from her.

Whenever there is a break, we often go to the bathroom to put on make up- I mean, they. I am only the third wheel of the two. I am forced to follow them wherever they go. Nikki being the leader almost-always wants to fix herself, so she can attract as many guys as possible. I mean, she totally can afford it. She is a beautiful blonde girl, with good tastes in dressing. Except for the fact that she exposes her body parts too much, like this green T-shirt. Whenever she raises her arms, her belly can be seen. She wants to boast that she has abdominals, and a body to envy everyone. I'm only jealous of her courage to go around like that. Instead I wear an elegant blouse, and a knee-length skirt with my usual black converse. Normally I allow a glimpse of my black hair, but this time I gathered it with a black bow.

I like this style of mine, however Nikki seems not to approve. She looks at me from the reflection of the mirror, claiming I dress like a child. This doesn't affect me at all. Right now the only goal for me is to pass the last exams to be accepted at the university. I'll take care of the rest later.

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