Chapter 34.

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Once I'm done bathing, I go out with a long towel around my body accompanied another on my head. I smell of him. All I do is looking in the mirror. I smile then immediately change expression.

Seeing myself with my shoulders uncovered, I am curious again how nice it would like to be gently touched. Cuddling my neck, I dream of someone kissing it passionately, enough to leave me a hickey. A sign of belonging only and exclusively to him. And then these lips of mine are waiting to be kissed. I find myself dropping the towel on the floor. I carefully observe my body. I would like that person to touch me gently ready to make me then his.

"Is everything fine, Iris?" His damn voice gives me chill. I want him to be here with me..."Iris."

Shaking my head, I respond, "Oh, yeah. I'm fine."

But I don't hear any answer, so I open the door slowly hoping not to find him. He's absent, I go out quickly. I still can't believe I will be wearing this beautiful red dress tonight. Unfortunately I have no makeup and the thought of being cleansed does not match with this kind of event.

As soon as I turn around to sit down, I notice Nancy smiling at me. "Oh my god!"

I close my eyes and put my hand on my chest, she scared the hell out of me. "Don't you ever show up like this."

She laughs and doesn't hesitate to take my hand. She's leading me somewhere. I walk in the long corridor with the fear of being seen by James in that state. Basically I'm walking with the towels on. "Mh, Nancy, where are you taking me?"

She enters a room. "Don't worry, mom won't know."

Smiling nervously I reply, "She won't know what? And is this your parents' room? I don't think they would like the idea of me being here, so-"

With a serious tone, she says, "This is an emergency, you need to be beautiful tonight."

Looking away, I whisper, "That hurts. Don't I look beautiful already everyday?"

I see her rolling her eyes and retake my hand again but to pull me inside the room. "Nancy, it's okay, I don't need-"

I remain shocked the moment she opens her mom's dressing room. "Did I convince you? Look, this red lipstick is perfect, it will go well with that dress, what you think?"

I can't go in, it's not fair to use other people's things. I stand still to admire the hundred jewels, high heels and cloths present in this huge closet. Especially those bags and make up sets.

"C'mon, Iris. Mom won't be angry, she would be happy instead!" She exclaims opening various drawers. "What you think about this earring? Or about this ring?"

"Nancy, sweetie, I can't take something that is not mine. I appreciate your help but I can't, not without your mom's consent first." I respond taking a step back.

I smile as she doesn't give up. "Well, let's ask her!"

"What about helping me to curly my hair for now?" I ask offering her my hand. "We can think about the rest later, is that okay with you?"

"Good idea!" She exclaims happily holding my hand. "Or we can ask Jamie if she-"

"Am I wrong or did I really hear a sparrow calling my name?" Jamie asks as she sees us walking outside the room. "Iris, why aren't you getting ready? You're going to be late!"

"Jamie, are you good at putting make up?" Nancy asks instead. "Oh, yeah, do you wear high heels?"

I cough and respond while glancing at her, "You can't just ask that to everybody. I said, I'm fine-"

"Jamie will help us." She replies without taking in consideration my words. "Will you, right, Jamie?"

She makes her a puppy face. "Of course, I will."

Jamie pushes me to sit down. And there she is working hard on making me beautiful for tonight. But we're also having fun, it's nice to see Jamie being happy to converse finally with Nancy. Could be this reason why she wanted to help me, because Nancy asked her to? Is it really her first time hearing her voice saying her name? Unbelievable.

"And voila!" Jamie says proudly. "Miss Jones is ready for her night. Are you satisfied my lady?"

I laugh. "Thank you, Jamie."

She hugs me back and whispers, "You don't need to say thanks. We should instead, you have no idea how happy I am to be able to hear Nancy talk."

I smile when she touches my face. "You look amazing."

And together we head out the bathroom. Nancy doesn't hesitate to get up and analyze me.

"What do you think?" I ask spinning around.

"You look like a princess." She replies taking my hand. "Here."

I look myself in the mirror, I've never felt so beautiful. Am I really starting to love myself? I can picture well my old self judging herself and hating what was in front of her. My smile fades and my eyes become shiny. Is everything that's happening real? I'm not sleeping am I? I don't want to wake up and hate what I see, I don't want to go back to those times. I want to love this reflection of mine, I want to love myself.

A tear falls and slides slowly down my cheek as I feel someone's hand brush against my neck. My heart barely accelerates as I notice James putting a heart-shaped necklace on me. I turn around and stare at his eyes that look at me in the same way as always. Amazed but immediately serious.

At that point he holds out his hand and having to touch it makes me rekindle that fire in me. And when I find myself in the car, I greet Nancy and Jamie who are facing the window. I then turn to James the moment he starts the engine. Out of the corner of my eye, I admire that black suit of his. It makes him really fascinating and what to say, really seductive and mysterious.

Gosh, he's so sexy. Especially that nineties hairstyle of his, and that black tie, I imagine myself taking and bringing it closer to me. I saw that gesture in a movie. And when it happens there's always a passionate kiss and then...

I sigh.

"I wanted to say thanks for taking care of my siblings." He says all of a sudden, waking me up from my curiosities. "You made a great impact on their life, especially on Nancy's. I've never seen her so happy and lively."

"It's a pleasure to spend time with them, they are amazing kids." I can glimpse a hidden smile, while his eyes are wandering elsewhere. So silence falls.

I try to find a topic that can distract him from being thoughtful. At that point I remember that he plays the piano.

So I ask him, "Do you have any passion? I mean in your free time what do you like to do?"

He doesn't answer right away. "I don't know. Should that even matter?"

His tone is cold but it doesn't touch me at all. "C'mon! Don't be mysterious! There must be something you like to do."

Silence echoes again and this time it's driving me crazy. I don't understand his behavior all of a sudden.

In order not to ruin our time, I say, "For example my grandfather loved to play the piano. He spent hours and hours composing and traveling in the world of great musicians. So much that my grandmother even had to hide it."

I laugh as I remember that event of grandpa looking for his beloved piano.

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