Chapter 58.

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The journey was not very long. Perhaps both of us were so busy talking that time flew by. Anyway, I feel nervous as soon as we get to the entrance of Arthur's house. We go through a large and high black sharp gate decorated in gold. By going in, I see a long but narrow path, surrounded by various trees and flowers of different types. In addition, analyzing it well, I notice it is actually a really well-kept garden. Furthermore, to drive the cars in the right direction, both sides of the ground, there are lights. Which means the house I'm about to go will be huge. Consequently there is also a risk of someone getting lost. In fact I was right, it is truly giant. And like the Harrison's one, this looks like a real castle. I feel nervous, as I can already notice many cars that park, or people entering the party.

"You say I'm fine then?" Nikki asks suddenly, making me turn towards her direction. I smile, to immediately start examining the place again.

Everything is built according to the Napoleonic style. Besides, when I am in front of the entrance, there are various stairs that lead me to a door, as usual large and high. Which I can also admire its ceiling that has two Doric columns as support. I can immediately recognize them, because normally they do not have a real base. Therefore it is placed directly on the stylobate. Instead the stem tapers as it rises upwards, while the grooves are usually very wide. I have seen them in books that deal with Greek architecture. They often show these beautiful peculiarities, but I never thought seeing them in reality, they are so wonderful. In fact I am rather amazed and surprised. So much that, only after three attempts Nikki gets my attention.

"The party is clearly inside, not outside, Iris." She hints in an amused tone.

Before I start, I review the beauty of these columns, to then realize that she offers her arm, to help me walk well. Indeed, I already feel my feet begging to take off heels. Despite the pain, I still make an effort. I am breathless as soon as we go in. I notice a high ceiling, decorated in gold accompanied by numerous, and large chandeliers. Instead on my left, there is a gigantic staircase, which leads to who knows where. Obviously the guests are not allowed to explore it. For this reason there are people who control the track. While in front of my view there is a wide corridor, filled by many crowds, and by various voices of people. And turning my gaze to the right, I see several arches in a row, one after another, that conduct to the garden.

"Am I wrong, or are people staring at us as if we were two aliens?" Nikki asks, looking around. "Do you think, they find strange to see a girl dressed as a boy?"

By looking carefully, everyone points their eyes towards us. There are those who look confused, or those who are shocked. Even there are those who laugh, hiding their giggle behind their hands. "Don't worry about what they think. What matters is having fun right?"

"Well. If the evening continues to be like this, we should get the fuck out of here." She adds silently, "The music is already shitty, it's not inviting me to go wild and dance."

I laugh. "It's called chamber music. Obviously it is not a genre with which you can dance on the table."

She does not respond immediately. Rather out of the corner of my eye, I see her gazing at some girls. "At least there are nice chicks here. Finally a perfect way to start this party well."

"I would be quite hungry. Would you like to go out into the garden, and see what good they offer us?" I reply in the end.

My stomach is rumbling. That brunch I had with Nikki was pretty light. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it until I heard that news about James on television. In the end I didn't digest it well, so now for some reason, I sense to have a big appetite. Also because I'm a bundle of nerves, and when it happens, I feel want eating. In particular after I mentioned his name, which I shouldn't have to. The idea of ​​seeing him worries me, so I hope not to meet him. Speaking of that news, the girl whom James defended from the harassment, looks a lot like this one I see here, talking to someone. I can't remember her name...oh yes, it's Corinne. I recognize her as soon as she frames my face, and embarrassed I look away. So without even giving Nikki time to answer, I push her into a corner.

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