Chapter 26.

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"Iris look what I've found." My grandmother says sitting next to me on the grass.

"Oh grandma..." She shows me the bows and arrows I once used to practice. But due to school commitments I stopped practicing it.

"I still remember how good you were." She says dropping them in my hands.

I smile.

"My dear. Tell me why did you stop doing it?" She asks stroking my long hair. "You said you wanted to throw them away but your grandfather decided to keep them instead."

Her eyes are still the same, they've never changed since grandpa's gone.

"Yeah, he always liked to collect memories." I respond imagining grandpa playing the piano.

"You grew up very well Iris." She says instead. "I was always sure though that you hid yourself in a sorta of cage from reality."

"I am surprised that many people, especially those I love have noticed I wasn't fine." I don't dare to stare at her. Only now I understand that I was not alone. I was that one who rejected the world and not the world me. I feel guilty for making my loved ones worried for nothing. I spontaneously apologize.

"Sorry for what sweetheart? I didn't say anything bad, I am indeed amazed at your beautiful change." She touches softly my hair, putting behind my ear a daisy.

"This flower reminds me of you. It's simple and sweet." I feel really emotional. Watching me that way she instantly hugs me.

"Grandma. The truth is these arrows make me remember those moments when I used them as a purpose to let off steam. I imagined hitting many me to figure out who was my real side. But what I saw was always that usual weak Iris in the center, surrounded by all those who tried to hit her." I sigh.

"I used them to not feel weak. But I constantly felt weak, so I thought that I was wasting my time and consequently I stopped practicing it." As I finish the sentence, she laughs cuddling my face.

"Instead that weakness became a force, which allows me to admire the wonderful woman you have become. And I'm very proud of you." My heart is full of joy and happiness. "The problem is, does Iris proud of herself?" 

"I know she will. One day." I change position, I keep my eyes on the hills.

"Do you miss grandpa?" I ask diverting my gaze at her necklace. I have a feeling that she is analyzing me.

After a few seconds, she says, "I also noticed something new in you, something different."

"Are you in love?" She laughs touching her heart-shaped necklace which lies a small gem.

She takes it off and places it on my hands. I open it and see a photo. I am surprised at her as a young girl. She seems so happy and so in love. It is actually thanks to what lies ahead of her. Those faces are in search of their love, and those hands to indicate their presence. Their smiles is not to forget their happiness. Everything is due to that he who makes all this possible. My grandfather seems to be lost. He has a look as if he were looking for a way, how to stop their infinite moment. A young and innocent love. Strong enough to make them love each other for the rest of their lives.

"You guys were really adorable." I sigh. "I miss grandpa, and his beloved time playing the piano." In that instant I look up at her.

"I desire from the one who will love you, to let you feel all these emotions." With a smile, she adds, "What's really important is to not stop loving, despite the difficulties you have to face in life. This requires us, first of all, to love ourselves in order to love others."

After having said that, she puts the necklace back and hugs me.

"Thank you grandma." I whisper as I put my head on her shoulder, and together we enjoy admiring the view of the hills.

Noting every word in my diary makes me want to read books. Unfortunately, my mother interrupts me shouting that I have to set the table. Before I sit down for dinner, I check my phone. No messages from James. I feel ridiculous having to focus my eye on the screen every second. Especially after what happened. I don't expect anything special, I just would like to hear from him. Perhaps he's busy. Now I regret having bombarded him with thousand messages. He'll think I'm crazy, and too possessive. So I have to learn to control myself, but it's really impossible. All I do is keep staring at the phone.

All of a sudden my mother calls me. I see her pointing to the television, which shows James being interviewed. I don't know where he is, I think in a fancy event because he's in a suit. I feel my heart speed up more and more. Is it possible for a human being to have this beauty? No, he can't be real. No wonder why everyone keeps staring at him. Even the interviewer seems to be nervous in his presence. Maybe it's because from the way he looks at her and from the way he looks at the camera, knowing damn well how to catch every viewer's attention.

"James, are you excited for your movie premiere?" The interviewer asks smiling nervously while touching back and forth her hair.

"Oh, yeah, obviously." He responds calmly putting hands on his pockets. "But I am more excited to see my fans, I can't wait to answer all of their questions."

"Right!" The interviewer says and placing her hand on his shoulder, she asks, "Tell me a little bit about your style. Is this the newest men collection?"

"Who's that handsome young man?" Grandma asks while eating a piece of bread. "You know him Iris?"

I don't answer her unfortunately because my smile fades away the moment a girl appears and catches in a second his attention. He doesn't hesitate to hug her and together they hold each other while being interviewed. Are they a couple?

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