Chapter 87.

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"Unfortunately the Harrisons are not at home, but I'm sure they would have liked to see you!" Exclaims the housekeeper gesturing for her to enter. "I bought some tea from Japan. You absolutely have to try them, they are a spectacular."

As she sees her moving, she stops to hint "Anyway she is Iris, Daniel and Nancy's new tutor. Those two have lost their minds for her. She's a wonderful girl."

At that point Grace turns around, and smiles at me. "I'm sure she is. My pleasure Iris."

Saying that name has turned off that smile of hers. I understand this from the way she squeezes the envelope, her hands are forming a fist. So Jamie encourages her to come inside, in order not to create any awkward situation. Instead I don't move right away, my attention is trapped by the object she has with her. I wonder what's inside, in particular why. So to find out, I start off without showing that in reality, I'm a bundle of nerves.

"From the way she talks to you, it makes me understand that this Iris was really an important figure for this house." I say as I see Jamie alone in the kitchen.

With a half-smile, she replies "Oh, she was. She was a really lively girl and always full of joy."

"So I suppose you've seen Nikki too." In that instant she becomes a rock. "Why hasn't anyone here dared tell me how things were?"

"I'm sorry, I really am." And by observing me, she adds "Honestly, I never expected you and her to be friends."

"When the Harrisons left for California, and that you brought her here after a long time, I was amazed. Like, when you suddenly disappeared, it was there that she started talking to me for the first time."

I interrupt her. "Although you have already seen her, are you implying that she has never spoken to you before?"

She nods. "I'm losing my mind going on like this."

"I remember her as a child. She was very cold and distant. Whenever I brought snacks to Iris and James, I remember she was attentive to every move Iris made with him." Jamie informs as she unboxes her teabags.

Helping her arrange all the tea necessities, I ask "I bet she warned you not to let me know you already knew her, right?"

I puff. "Actually don't answer. I already know what you're going to say."

Touching my shoulder, she points out "Let's say she told me something like that, but she didn't confess why."

I look up as she adds, "I think all of this ties into the matter of Iris and James, for some strange reason she never liked seeing them together."

As she turns to check the water, a similar voice adds to the room.

"It seems very normal to me, after all my daughter was her best friend." At first I looked at her in surprise, but then I look away, now aiming down.

Grace's presence, strangely does not put me in confidence. I can't converse, there is something that prevents me. Until she says, "Instead, Nikki must be really important to you. I saw it in the hospital. I heard how you screamed at her to wake up."

In a cold tone, I ask, "How did you find out about her news?"

I change attitude, as she hands me that envelope I saw at the exit. "What is this?"

Arranging a few clumps of hair behind her ears, she replies "These are my daughter's personal things, and I thought it would be right for me to entrust them to a special person, to keep them in her memory."

I stare at her perplexed, it can't be me that person.

Looking inside, obviously without pulling out, I notice that there are two diaries. As I focus on examining them, she goes on to say "I spoke to Merlyn last night after a long time, she was the one who informed me of what happened. Poor girl, she doesn't deserve to suffer so much."

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