Chapter 4.

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"We look fabulous! And you know what that means, right?" Nikki looks at Kelly. As soon they finish to brush their hair, they decide to take selfies. I naturally join too. But Nikki pushes me away.

"You can't Iris." She puts a fake smile.

And while Kelly agrees, she explains me why. She believes that if I appear in their photos, they will not receive much likes. In short for them, I look a lot like a geek, so they don't want to show me to their friends. In particular to guys who follow them whom are mainly interested in the categories of hot girls- which I don't belong to.

"We don't want anyone to hurt you." Kelly states. "We only do it for your own good, Iris."

They both remind me that I am quite acceptable as a girl. I shouldn't be sad if no one approaches me. I trust them. Well, I actually pretend. If I hadn't had them as friends, I'd probably be alone or worse, made fun of by everyone. For example, I had to study fashion, as well as the boys' minds to get along with them. I know, it sounds ridiculous. But despite that, I still think to be that old loser. That one I used to be long time ago. Somehow I'll have to get away from her. Especially if I want to be noticed by guys, or make friends in the future.

As I sit down again on the floor, someone calls me. I turn around and it's a girl. "Mrs. Chang wants to see you in her office."

Silence falls. "Oh, like right now?" I ask getting up slowly.

Rolling her eyes, she says, "Duh."

I feel observed, or is it only my impression? Someone is surely talking about me. I have to hurry. All of a sudden, I see a boy falling on the ground. Some are threatening him for something. He glances at me as if he was looking for my help. I feel like I have to do something, but I can't.

So I pretend I haven't seen anything.

"Miss Jones. I would like to know what's happening to you." My literacy teacher says, staring at me worried.

All I do is watching my hands. I feel so nervous. She notices it. Consequently she starts discussing about my paper.

It was an assignment that required to write a story, thus creating a novel. Mine was a love story. It was strange because she came from a world outside the Earth, and by mistake, through a magic formula, she found herself on our planet. She had to find a way back, but unfortunately the formula didn't work. As the days went by through misadventures, she finally found a friend. Being passionate about astronomy, he helped her find her planet. In addition seeking the advice of his famous father scientist. In the meantime, both knew each other, also making her discover the beauty of his planet. So much that she wanted to stay, but unfortunately, she couldn't. She had a family, perhaps worried about her absence. Thereby after finding the solution she had to leave. The thing that saddened her was having to detach herself from him. With whom she fell deeply in love with, and consequently he too. As a result they said goodbye, crying as if there was no tomorrow. They gave each other a deep, passionate kiss, promising to always look at the stars. Because it's what connected them, so also their love. And with tears, she greeted him with a smile of happiness and pain.

"I have no words regarding your paper." She moves from the chair.

"You are amazing. Those words and those emotions are wonderfully beautiful and well written. How did you get the idea from?" She sighs.

I think her main point is to know what's going on me. Recently I have been asking her not to mention my name in class. In particular when it comes to return homework.

"...Honestly it came from my diary." I confess. "I already wrote it a while ago."

"Look Iris. You can talk to me about ANYTHING." She pauses. "You are a good student of mine, I can't tolerate seeing you that way. So please. Share your thoughts with me."

The problem is I trust nobody, although I want to. I remember the last time that I did. They said I was problematic, someone who needed help. I went to various psychologists. It was the worst period of my entire life. I have never seen my parents so worried. I was scared. So I promised to myself: I would rather close myself than talk to people about my stuff.

"Thanks." I stand up and in serene tone I calm her down by saying, "I'm just tired. I have been studying very hard lately. That's it."

But that reply doesn't satisfy her. In fact she hands me a business card of a specialist.

"It's one of the best here in New York." She smiles. "But, for anything, know that I'm here."

I nod without saying a word. I don't want to converse that much. Sometime it's useless.

As soon I am out, I notice Nikki targeting a girl. I approach her. "That's all you got? I asked you surely more than this. So where's the rest?"

The poor girl stares down trying not to cry. "I don't have it, I-"

In order not to be noticed by the teachers, Nikki shoves her violently in the bathroom. Sadly, when Nikki sets a goal in her head, she does everything to get it. She persists to push her until she falls badly to the ground.

"You're lying, where's the rest?! Give me that, otherwise, I swear, even today, you won't go back home safely." She says coldly.

"It's true, I don't have it here with me-"

The girl screams in pain the moment Nikki grabs her hair. "You want me to haunt you after school perhaps? No? So, give it to me, NOW!"

She smirks when the girl gives up and hands her the rest of money. "Good girl, now we understand each other."

After that, she sets off happily with Kelly. I'm still left behind, and staring at this poor crying, it comes natural to offer my hand. I didn't expect I would react. But as soon as she touches it, Nikki shows up again. She gazes me with a mean look.

"What are you doing?" She asks approaching me. "How many times do I have to tell you? If you want to be my friend, you better not do what you just did, it's useless to help the weakest if they can't help themselves."

And by looking at the girl, still on the ground, she adds, "You have to step on them, unless you like the idea of joining them but I don't think you want that, do you?"

I slowly let that girl's hand go. "Good."

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