Chapter 63.

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We see two fawns staring at us curiously. I think they smell the perfume coming from the basket, some sandwiches are left. I have never seen those animals in person, so slowly I approach them, making the gesture of silence to him. I break the bread into small parts, and wait for them to become familiar. After a few seconds James also joins, and at that moment, I see them moving. The silence falls giving me anxiety, I don't want them to run away. Their eyes are so tender, and their noses are wet. I can understand it as soon as one of them touches my hand, slowly eating the bread. And by touching them, I can sense they are really smooth and soft- almost like James' hair. It is natural for me to turn to his direction. I don't know who is the cutest, he or these fawns. No way...I can say he looks a lot like them. My fawn. Immediately after, I startle by surprise, as he sneezes. So loud that it makes those poor animals run away. I remain silent, and then laugh at that unexpected moment.

"There is nothing to laugh about!" He replies in a cold, with a sudden serious tone to making me change expression. Seeing myself in that state, he whispers laughing that he was joking. "You really have a face, well...kinda cute."

"I knew you were joking!" I lie, looking elsewhere. Observing him wandering who knows where, I try to distract him. I take a pile of leaves, and throw it on his face while laughing but I stop as soon as I notice his serious face. "Oh, Oh. I think I may be in trouble."

"You think? You're right. You shouldn't have done that." He hints hiding a smile as I start distancing myself from him. "Come here, I won't bite. I promise."

"The only way to get me come to you is to catch me." I say smiling as I hide behind a tree. "Can you?"

"Are you challenging me?" He asks approaching me slowly and biting his lips, he adds, "What will I get in return If I catch you?"

"I guess you have to catch me first to know what." I hint laughing as I move from tree to tree. "Time is running out. 9, 8, 7-"

"And 1, RUN!" He suddenly exclaims and hearing me scream makes him laugh.

And it was there that we started playing, obviously not being very good at running, he took me more than once. Being also competitive, I didn't give up. So we kept running like crazy, until the fourth time I fell. He laughed, while I remained on the ground wondering, why misfortune always manages to catch me? Everything was caused by a rock, which in running quickly, I didn't notice. The bad thing was that I fell, laying my face on the ground. So sitting slowly, I found some grasses in my mouth, besides being dirty from damp earth(?).

The moment I stood completely up, and observing the sky, I could see the rain coming. Plus, magically at the exact moment, when James approached my direction. We looked at each other and smiled at the nice coincidence. Our moments are always so magical, they are exactly like those found in fairy tales. In addition, the raindrops highlighted our happiness, and our feelings as soon as he touched my face to kiss me. And in order not to make me uncomfortable, he picked me up. We kissed in the rain.

It all reminds me of our first day, when we danced together- but this time, we are no longer two simple strangers. Now James is my boyfriend, and it's strange to say that word. But that's the problem, I don't stop writing it in my diary. For every detail, I stress boyfriend a thousand times, engraving his name, with various hearts and daisies around it. By now this flower is the symbol of our relationship.

Sadly after that beautiful time, he had to accompany me home. Because being drenched in the rain, he decided to go to his house, in order to change and be clean. From the way he told me, I understood that it was very important for him, to make a good impression on my parents. Once I found myself in the kitchen, I was immediately relieved by the absence of them. I had the opportunity to shower too. As a result I committed to prepare dinner.

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