Chapter 82.

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Once I have reached my goal, I take a deep breath. Finding myself in front of Nikki's house, I am experiencing incredible anxiety. In a sense, I only have been here once, that is, one evening that Kelly and she wanted to watch a movie together but then they left me alone- to join as far as I remember to a party with their group of friends. So it didn't last long, yet it was enough to get to know her parents. I don't remember or even know their name. I only have their characters in mind.

Her father spoiled her so much. Whenever her daughter tried on a dress, or looked at things online, he was always ready to tell her yes. Instead her mother considered her as a jewel. So she left her do whatever she wanted. In fact when Nikki entered her parents' room, she could have the right to take what she desired, including bags of major brands, particularly her favorites, Chanel and Saint Laurent. It was natural to me, every time she and Kelly pretended to be models, dressing with rare things of great value, I saw them with envy.

Obviously understood as I would also like to be confident in putting on those things. Instead growing up I comprehended, simple things are what represent me. All this emphasizes how much I have improved in loving myself and in understanding myself. So pretty much, I think that old Iris has vanished from my head. But strangely, time after time my mind traces Nikki's name, there is something that pushes me to use the past tense. Which means in order to find out the truth, I decided to face a big obstacle, namely to confront her parents. Because something tells me, this is where I have to start if I want to help my friend.

"I don't have to be nervous." I repeat to myself before knocking on the door. "Think about Nikki. You're doing it for her, don't be nervous."

I close my eyes and sighing, I finally ring the bell. After three attempts, I get no response. But I don't give up, so I'll try again. Unfortunately no one is presented yet, so after a few minutes I slowly go away disappointed. Until, "Hi! I'm sorry. I was on the second floor. Those stairs are really long."

I turn around when this figure adds "So sorry if I made you wait." She gives me a nice smile. "You are?"

How strange. I remember well that the housekeeper was a lady around sixty, but this one looks much younger.
"I'm Iris. A friend of Nikki."

Her face becomes friendly as soon as I say that name. "Oh my god the famous Iris Jones?! It's a pleasure to meet you."

And giving me a beautiful smile, she highlights "Nikki often mentions you, although I'm new here."

"In fact I remembered of another person." I say as I try to peek inside. "I came to see the Stewarts, are they home?"

Without hesitation, she announces "They should be back in twenty minutes, but you can come in and wait in the meantime."

And with the gesture of entering, I am shocked by the beauty of the house. I didn't remember it being like that. I've only been here once, so it's okay to have this reaction.

"You can wait them here." I pay no attention to her words, I am busy analyzing every detail. "Do you want something to drink, something fresh?"

Her kindness makes the atmosphere really welcoming. "Oh that would be nice, thank you so much."

Having said that, I start to examine again. You would never believe if I told you I'm in the living room, just because I have no idea what part of the house I am. As soon as I entered, I saw in front of me a large room with shades that played with black and white. On both sides there were furniture of great value, where I could glimpse two large vases within numerous flowers of all kinds. Thus everything decorated the place of a great and fresh perfume. Instead in the center, there was nothing, just a large void. So walking further on, I noticed that on both sides there were two long stairs that lead to a single door, obviously not allowed for the guest to go exploring.

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