Chapter 81.

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I think I'm moving too much, so not to annoy little Nancy, I will find a definitive position. I turn to the direction of the window, located on the right side of the room. But as I do, I open my eyes a little bit, and all of a sudden "SHIT!" I get up abruptly.

"Good morning." Nancy says as soon as she sees me standing. "Did you sleep well?"

"I put the alarm around 9:30 AM, but you can see that my phone, as usual, ran out during the night." I inform looking at the time, I feel embarrassed. Once again I got up at 12:00 PM. "Well, it's time to buy a new phone."

Going to the bathroom to refresh my face, she says, "Don't worry, we didn't want to wake you up because you were sleeping really well. You snored that loud that Daniel thought there was earthquake."

"Oh god, I am so embarrassed!" I turn in her direction, brushing my hair. "I hope you guys have at least slept well."

At that point she rests her elbows on the table. She doesn't stop smiling at me.

"Why that face?" I jokingly ask. She shakes her head slowly, so I look at her confused, keeping on equally a smile.

"Nothing, you're just beautiful!" She replies with joy, in addition by updating me that, "James is in the kitchen with Daniel, they are trying hard not to burn your place."

I laugh as soon as she adds, "They are making a mess just to make some pancakes."

"So let's hope they are at least good." Having said that, I take her hand and together we go to the ground floor. "Have you dreamed of something interesting?"

"No." Her tone is weak, she's hiding something from me. I understand it from the way she looks down, sulking. "Nothing special."

She runs into the kitchen, leaving me behind. I don't like it, hence as I enter I show my concern well.

"Hi Iris! Are you hungry?" Daniel questions, giving me a nice smile. "We are preparing breakfast, or at least I think..."

I don't pay attention to his words, because I look at Nancy. I see that she is thoughtful, in fact she puts her arms on the table, as a support for the face. Her eyes are looking for a random point, not to observe me. So as not to disturb her, I head to James. I touch his shoulder, and standing on tiptoe, I kiss him on the cheek. "Good morning."

His smile is really beautiful, especially when he turns to visualize my face. "These pancakes are not as good as yours, so we hope you will like them anyway." I laugh as he adds, "I forced Daniel to eat one, all burnt."

I immediately change expression, when he silently asks "What's new about Nikki?"

I show him my sadness still present, as I shake my head no. "I'll call mom later."

He replies "I have to talk to you. And don't worry, it's nothing bad, just an idea."

Having said that, he takes a plate to place three layers of pancakes. "For you, my lady."

"Thank you." So happy with his gesture, I add to the table with the two little ones.

Besides, from their faces I can understand what they are eating is good, I'm excited to try it too. The moment James sits down, someone rings the door. As a result he gets up, but I signal him not to. Even if my heart accelerates, anxiety pushes me not to walk fast. Consequently I head towards the exit slowly, as well as curious to see who it is. I have a feeling that, what I'm about to discover is going to leave me without words. Maybe because, I have already opened the door quickly. Indeed I show well that I have a surprised face as soon as I see a figure smiling at me. Her image is not the same. Her hair is no longer brown, but it's a copper red. She is dressed in a black top, short enough to expose her belly and her navel piercing, which emphasizes the person I see is not the one I once knew. Especially those black shorts, which upon entering without permission, I can glimpse the shapes of her lower back.

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