Chapter 70.

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"Summarizing the situation, James lied to me. He told me that he had ended the contract, and that he had started to live his life, away from his world of lies." I pause, trying to find the right words.

I go on to say "Instead, once again he showed me that this is just a game for him. So he thinks he has the right to make fun of me, deluding me that, there really could be something serious between me and him."

I conclude by looking at her direction, which in the meantime gazes at me worried and relieved. "You were right. He is only one who likes to manipulate people's feelings. So honestly I don't really want to talk about him..."

She lays down on the bed again, and this time she gently cuddles my back. "I'm sorry you had to deal with this alone." To that answer, I look again at the floor. "But I'm proud that you managed to act, and to show him what you really deserve."

With a sigh I reassure "That's fine. In a sense, although I was physically alone, I knew mentally that I would follow your advice, so you did a lot for me." Plus I remember her, "This shows how much I missed you...I really felt nostalgic that our friendship was over."

After a few seconds, she confesses "I exaggerated on that day. But I understood that losing you, as a friend, would not solve or change my situation. And having you would have made it much less heavy, because in the end you're a friend who really knows how to understand me."

As she concludes, I also lay down. But this time settling in her arms. It's nice to feel this warmth. I feel much better after telling her my real situation. "What about you instead? You ok?"

And without even giving her time to respond, I inform in a worried tone "...I noticed that you have been much thinner since the last time I saw you, and your eyes are off. That's why I asked you those questions."

She does not reply immediately, she is busy playing with my long hair. "It is not true that I am thin. And anyway I don't have much to tell you honestly...except that I went out with Arthur a couple of times."

Her response took me by surprise, in fact I reply "I see you two really get along, that much you haven't even invited me to go out with you."

Laughing silently she says "Believe it or not, but we are kinda similar. This is why there is harmony between us, in the sense when he is with me, I feel he's completely different. I think that's his best part..."

Curiously, I update "Where did you go?" Then she gets up to answer someone's message. Seeing her busy smiling, I ask her "Who is that?"

She doesn't answer immediately, in fact only after a few minutes, says "It's Arthur. We go to a party tonight. Obviously to a real party. Not like what his parents organized."

"I met some of his friends, and nothing, they are all there tonight." Observing me not reacting, and that I travel with my mind elsewhere, she asks with joy "Why don't you come too? I'm sure you'll have fun!!"

As soon as she ends, I gaze at her suddenly confused. "I don't think it's a good idea, and then I still have to dinner and shower."

Obviously Nikki being stubborn, insists on convincing me. "Let's do this...I'm going to pick you up with Arthur around 10:00 PM!"

As she wants to add something, I repeat to her "Parties are not for me...and then I have many other new books that I want to read."

Rolling her eyes, she hints "FUCK THOSE BOOKS!"

That exclamation immediately surprised me. "Don't act quirky now. Please Iris, you're not a retired grandmother. We are young, we have to get high and wild in life!"

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