Chapter 62.

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Once we are in the car, there is the usual silence. This time it doesn't give me any bad effect, I am focused on admiring the people walking, enjoying the beautiful day. Today the sun is really lit, but it doesn't hit much. So there is this little wind breeze, that caresses my tufts of hair. Which are outside the window, looking to be carried away by the lightness of the wind. My eyes observe the clear sky, there is no presence of any cloud. Therefore the birds fly freely, following in the wake of a plane- who travels who knows what destination. It's all so relaxing, it's natural to lean on the door, using my arms to support my face. I'm so fine and calm, I would always like to feel this way. I slowly close my eyes, imagining myself running in the middle of nature. Free from the world of chaos, where I can dance and explore the beauty of greenery.

In addition, the music that James has put, spurs me to fantasize in that feeling. But as soon as I say his name, my mind wanders some confirmation. Probably of his presence, so I turn around, and I can observe him looking at the road. I can't see his eyes because he has sunglasses. I sense him being different, or is it just my impression? Maybe it's the first time, I watch him enjoying what he's listening to. His head moves following every rhythm and every note of the music. It makes me smile, it's nice to see him in that state. Unfortunately as he notices my gaze at him, I immediately look away. I point to the first thing I see, or two girls laughing, as they cross the street. And here I am, looking for Nikki.

In fact I immediately look down, turning on my phone. I have not received any messages from her. "Who knows where she will be, or what she will be doing."

"If I was you I would write those questions to her." He informs, getting my attention. As usual when I think, even whispering is difficult for me. "In the end you guys are friends, despite having quarreled."

He makes me understand, that he also heard the conversation with Jamie. "I don't think that's a good idea for now."

"As you wish." And parking the car, he goes down without adding anything else.

When I go out, I can also see other people who point their view towards one direction. The thing that makes me happy is a group of children. They hold hands, queuing in a single line, so that they don't get lost. In fact we are in an immense park. As an entrance, we walk on a kind of wooden bridge where I can also admire huge trees of various colors. Some have orange leaves, that play with the shades of red, and some completely dark green. It's all so beautiful, and magnificent- a perfect way to cloud my thoughts. Above all, I can perceive the birds that sing, or that fly playing tag. The noises of nature give me so much happiness, I would love to live there, where reality does not exist. And what remains is the scent of absolute freedom, far from the doubts and stresses of life. I already feel peace in me just by vague in that fantasy.

Maybe that's why James and I don't talk much. We are both enjoying this moment of relax. But out of the corner of my eye, I can glimpse him looking around. I gaze at his hand, which carries that basket Jamie has been looking for. It is large enough, I can frame a red napkin with white stripes. Even a pack of plastic cups. That's weird. Only when we get to the goal, I understand that his intention is to have a picnic...with me. While he's arranging a large sheet, I admire the place. There is a bench overlooking the river. In addition, the only object that makes all this melancholy. I approach it, and I can breathe the fresh air, that at the same time combs my hair.

"It's all so beautiful." I confess without looking at him. I don't want him to notice my shiny eyes. I am moved, these little things make me happy. Seeing me like that, James assures me with complete peace of mind to sit down.

I go towards him slowly, without taking my eyes off the river. "I've never been to these sides of New York." I use such a serene tone, I don't stop smiling. Until I keep my eyes on him. "Do you come here often?"

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