Chapter 97.

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As soon as I get out of the car, I don't hesitate to run. I don't want to waste every minute and every second, I've been waiting too long for this moment. I have a feeling that if I don't get there in time, she'll be back as she always was.

The light I am reaching must not leave me. Going like this, everything around me is fading away. Time is running out. This doesn't have to happen. Run faster Iris, run!

A new chapter is about to begin, a change to this book towards the end of another journey.

To get there, the only obstacle is this door.

After a big breath, I open it. My heartbeat accelerates playing with various emotions. Although it is dark outside, the figure I see makes this room bright. I no longer have to describe her as an angel, now she is a simple girl who smiles at me and who spreads her arms ready to hug me.

"Oh God Nikki, oh God, tell me that everything I'm doing is real." I say, embracing her with all my strength. "Fuck, I missed you."

As soon as I feel her hands shaking, trying to hug me tight, I can finally cry. This time with absurd joy, sighing with relief. "Iris...please don't hold me like that, you're hurting me."

Her tone is weak while her breathing highlights her tiredness. Everything is giving me great chills, especially when I can feel the lightness of her body, as if it were a leaf that is detaching from its branch, from that tree that gave it so much strength, that now I realize that it is fallen to the ground, without the energy that it possessed. So I sit slowly, deciding which expression to show.

"I'm sorry." I say holding her hand. "It's really nice to see you again, I don't even know how to describe it."

Lying down again, she looks at the ceiling. "How many days have gone by?"

At that point, the wind touches the window, pushing me to admire it celebrating with the rain. The sound of its drops clearly shows its desire to keep us company. "That doesn't have to matter anymore."

And wiping away my tears, I add, "I can finally hear your voice-"

"That sooner or later will have to vanish." She talks while looking down. "You shouldn't be here, you made a big mistake."

She closes her eyes. Her eyebrows are tilted up, showing lines on the forehead. She's holding back a big sigh, just sobbing. So I spontaneously stroke her hand. "It's all over now, you're still here, with me."

"How do you know that I-" She doesn't complete, because I beg her not to say anything else negative. "I'm sorry Iris if you had to suffer because of me."

After kissing her hand, I reply "I can say it was worth it. You are no longer alone."

In that instant she changes her head position, now her vision is completely on me. "I guess you had to do a lot of research to figure out how I got here. Tell me, what has changed now that you know everything?"

Without hesitation, I ask, "Can't you see the difference?"

"Yet the past is still present, why take such a responsibility Iris?" She questions, explaining "Sometimes to help a person, you have to remember that there is only one road ahead of them."

"By doing so, you risk returning to the same point." I say silently. "Instead you are just running away, it is normal that you do not realize what you are doing, what we ignore life makes it reappear."

"I'm not getting a fucking word of what you're saying." She smiles, then hints "So if I ignored my past, hiding it, is this the punishment that life is giving me?"

"You didn't ignore it. You welcomed it and gave it a chance." I use a confident tone. "That is what I wanted to say, now you have a choice, forget it or turn it into a reason to live?"

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