Chapter 60.

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The next morning I wake up with a big headache, and I notice that Nikki is still sleeping. So I let her rest. Although I only slept four hours, I feel refreshed. In a way, I would have slept a little more, but this dizziness torments me. So I go down to the room in search of some remedy. Suddenly I am perplexed by the presence of my mother. She is in the kitchen, leafing through some catalogs. I see her worried, and thoughtful. The idea that she will know that Nikki slept over makes me worried, mostly because of her reaction.

In fact, my mother's flaw is that she says one thing, but in the end she does another. So like, I don't judge by the cover of the book, and at the same time judge equally. It doesn't make sense what I say, but in short, she doesn't know how to be understanding sometimes. She judges personality based on the opinions of others, and not currently on what she really thinks. And that's why she doesn't like Nikki. At school everyone considered her as the worst student, especially as a bully. Hence knowing that information, mom always warned me not to be her friend. But because of her opinion, I won't let her judge Nikki badly. She cannot understand that we all make mistakes. That through errors there are consequences, and so also choices. And Nikki chose to change, and that's what really matters to me.

"Good morning honey." She hints as soon as she notices my presence. "I'm making coffee, do you want some too?" Obviously, after years of knowing me, she still hasn't understood that I'm not a coffee lover.

I pretend nothing, I just answer "No, thanks."

"Today I will have a long day, I will not even have time for shopping." She hints by closing the book. "So I made you a list of what to buy. Tonight there will be aunt at dinner."

"I thought you were going to sleep over with her last night." I reply looking at the fridge for breakfast. I hear her snort, and when it happens it means that something is wrong. "Has something happened that I don't know?"

As I turn around, I see her looking at me with shining eyes. I don't like her silence at all. Only when I sit down, she opens mouth. "You know that aunt has recently divorced, and I think staying away from the city will do her good."

"So you would give her your room tonight. She will sleep with us, because without having a car, she cannot move. Tomorrow morning, dad will drive her to the airport." She ends up taking her favorite cup, ready to pour coffee.

But I don't consider those last words. I only specify "That man was an asshole towards her. So I don't understand why she still can't get over that phase."

"It is not always easy to deal with situations like these." She pauses, sitting in front of me. "Especially when it comes to a marriage, and plans for the future together with a person, like having kids, you know, a family."

My aunt, my father's sister, was the classic romantic woman, and a dreamer of perfect love. Let's say like that one we see in the movies- where love overcomes every convention. Unfortunately, the only film of life is reality, where instead, there is not always an everyone lived happily ever after. So love can turn into fear and hate.

And hearing my mother tell aunt's story makes me remember Nikki a lot. Let's say the situation is similar to hers. But what makes her different from this story, is that hiding her true personality would have served no purpose. In fact, my aunt was not very lucky in love, indeed she almost never had a real relationship. So she was not very experienced in hearts, and in feelings. But one thing is certain, when you know you fall in love with a person, you are never wrong. As they say, if you follow your heart, you will always find the right way.

Unfortunately this is what screws us. What we think to feel, sometimes may not always reflect another person's intentions. Thus my aunt, blind from love, fell in love with someone, who actually hid her he had another type of interest. Yes, an interest in the same sex. It broke her heart when she found out the truth. More than anything else, how she had to discover it. Betrayal is a poison, which like wounds, is impossible to erase, so it remains and will never fade. My aunt, being an infirmary does not always have a specific time of return home. And on the day she had to take the evening shift, she never imagined that her husband would break her heart. In fact, she caught him in the basement, where he enjoyed having sex with...with another man.

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