Chapter 78.

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Nikki questions with anger "JAMES. Come on, why don't you admit that you replaced Iris for Iris Hamilton?"

At that point I drop unconsciously Arthur's jacket, I am shocked. "Iris you have to listen to me! He doesn't love you, he only used you to fix his mistakes."

"Iris don't believe what they tell you!" James tries to rebel, but I stop him.

And without staring at him, I mention trembling "So why did you give me her necklace? WHY JAMES?!"

I show myself that I am devastated, and hurt. My tears can't pamper me, so they fall aggressively.

"There is a reason why I did it, but I can't reveal it to you now, not with them present." As he wants to add, this time Arthur speaks.

"James, don't be selfish. We know very well that you're going come up with bullshit after bullshit." To immediately specify "The same thing you did with Iris Hamilton, don't you remember?"

I suddenly ask "What did he do Arthur?"

He without hesitation begins to explain. But the moment he does, James blocks him.

"Iris, LISTEN TO ME! It is true that I used you, but this was long before I really knew you, and now it has no value." In addition, he adds "You have to believe me, and that necklace never meant anything to Iris Hamilton."

"She used it only to build her career in music, it was a means of exploiting me." And slowly approaching me, he informs "She went around saying my name to catch people's attention, and once she got what she wanted, she never wore it again."

Arthur stands in front of me, a way to stop James. "Don't be a victim James! You are now an adult to understand, that it is time to take responsibility." He concludes turning to my sight. "Do you know how he treated Iris?"

I don't pay attention to him, I don't stop staring at that figure, who looks at me with eyes that are different from the usual. So in a tired tone, I demand "Why don't you answer the question, James? I see you have a lot to say."

"Do you remember the composition I taught you, that one's called rainy love?" He asks looking at me with shiny eyes. I don't answer, I'm shocked to see his tears. "The plot of that melody, are the answers to what you need to know."

"IRIS! Wake up, he's fucking manipulating you!" Nikki exclaims. To catch my attention, she explains "Every place that you went with him are all places that Iris Hamilton loved."

Arthur adds, updating with "Now I reveal who the famous JAMES HARRISON really is."

My heart beats a thousand, I feel faint as soon as he informs "He was only one who loved to drink, and when he had the chance, he went on to Iris. Do you know how? By beating her up."

As he concludes, I cover my mouth with hand. "THEY ARE ALL LIES IRIS! Don't believe everything they say."

He gets closer and closer, but Arthur blocks his way once again. "Too bad that Iris Hamilton had friends to talk to. She confessed everything, every detail of how you treated her. You were just jealous of her. Because she started to be more successful than you."

Nikki intervenes, stating "That's why you broke up with her right?"

And when she looks at me, in a confident voice, she informs "It happened on the day Iris Hamilton had that accident."

Puzzled, I ask "And is it the cause of her death?"

As soon as she confirms yes silently, I look at that person, who unfortunately I no longer recognize the face. I am in front of a stranger. "And...And how, how it happened...all this?"

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