Chapter 15.

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As soon as I finish dreaming, I change myself. And by opening my laptop, I see those letters again. I open them one by one. There are various lists of addresses of families looking for a private teacher. Obviously I pay no attention to them. Because behind them there is a mail from the University of Princeton. I hurry to open it, and with joy in my body I cry of happiness. I go down to the kitchen and run to hug my mom.

"Guess what I got." I smile at her, giving the acceptance letter.

"Oh my god Iris." She hugs me back, kissing my cheeks and forehead various times. "My baby is growing up. Oh, I am so proud of you!"

I was accepted, plus with a scholarship. I don't know how exactly I should react, whether to be mad with joy or to be normal. They also handed me the map of how to get to the dormitory and how to get to the admission office. And as soon as I hear dad coming home, I wave the envelope. He drops his briefcase. And here we are again, united as ever. Unfortunately I will have to greet them soon. Especially this house. It will no longer be my home, but will always remain a point of reference. The thought of having to leave saddens me a little. But it is the only way to understand what I will become someday.

"Don't take too many options in life. It's not worth it." Dad says while drinking a glass of beer. My mom can't stop smiling at me. She's still happy, admiring me with joy.

"What you mean by that?" I ask, I feel confused. Probably the idea of ​​the university gives me a little anxiety, I hope to find myself well.

"There is always something, which we have always wanted and that is impossible to change." He adds cutting a piece of bread. "That only happens when one is unsure and confused."

I seem not to understand him. I laugh for my reaction.

Touching my hand, mom says, "I invite you to reflect on what you have always done, and which has always made you happy."

Now I understand.

In fact, they both are right. Writing is something I use to vent, which often made me even fall on deaf ears. While drawing, I have always had difficulty in expressing my emotions. So sometimes, I complained and did it reluctantly. The only thing that made me strong and motivated is reading. Therefore the voice of those great writers....I feel I'm much more into listening to the stories of others. I mean to understand all their emotions internally, studying and analyzing their thoughts.

Could psychology be what I want?

After dinner, I get together with my parents to watch a movie. The genre we usually see is science fiction. I prefer no romantic genre, or anything like that. Because it could create a fairly embarrassing situation. I would like to avoid my mother's questions, she is always so curious when it comes to love. On the one hand, I understand her. It's normal that she would like to give me advice, unfortunately I still haven't found anyone. I mean someone whom returns my feeling. I had a crush but I knew however, that he could not influence my life that much. I still remember the time I told my mother about him. I can't recall his name, I just remember he was a cold guy. Despite being popular in middle school, he didn't seem to be a crowd-loving type. Rather, I only saw him with himself, as if it was what he wanted.

"What pushed that boy, to want to close himself from the world?" I mutter writing every single thought. As soon as I focus on the rain, watching it outside from the window I recall his name. It was Will.

"Where are you now?" I ask to myself without taking my eyes off the raindrops.

I suddenly smile. I remember when I dreamed of being his girlfriend or the times I spied on him. Especially those numerous times that, I saw him playing basketball. I was so obsessed with him that I also took the pen he forgot to take away. I still remember the many times I used it to write.

"Why does my heart still beat fast?" I sigh. "I shouldn't think about him..." I close the curtain and head to bed.

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