Chapter 37.

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All of a sudden two girls come and sit with me.

"Spit out the tea. Where did you know him and how did you guys become a couple?" That blondie says while drinking a sip of champagne. "I want to know everything."

My face is obviously confused.

"Yeah, tell us everything. We saw you on the balcony talking and dancing, are you perhaps that mysterious girl in the rain he danced with?" The other girl asks flipping her brown hair behind her shoulder.

I ignore them. "What's your position? Are you a model, actress, or what? I've never seen your face before, which is weird, like, me and James have common friends and acquaintances so, who are you?"

I ignore them again. I am trying to find James but there are too many people in front of me. "Anyway, nice dress."

That phrase finally got my attention. I smile and respond, "Thanks, and yours too."

But this time they are the ones ignoring me. They get up to say hi probably another friend of theirs. They all sound expensive. I don't know what, but I guess their ways of moving and talking. The more I keep looking at them the more I feel out of context. Especially when I see them greeting James, a final touch that makes me realize and asks to myself, what I'm doing here, what's my purpose of being here tonight.

He seems to enjoy being surrounded by so many girls. He lets himself being hugged and touched. What upsets me is the way he gazes at them, his eyes are on their bodies inviting them even more to be close to him.

"James, we're going to another place, you remember Joseph's latest investment? Well, it looks like he won. He's having a party in his new penthouse, wanna join us?"

Only there he stares at me. "Maybe later. I have to do something first."

Those girls' eyes are on me too. "Oh, is she your girlfriend? If she is, how long have you been together?"

Drinking the last sip of wine, he responds rather coldly, "No, she's not my girlfriend."

They all smile and laugh. "We just noticed that we asked a stupid question, but she's lovely, isn't she?"

"I have to go, but girls, it was nice to see you all tonight." He responds while giving the waitress the empty glass. They all look upset but immediately happy as he hugs them. Not like a hug friendship but more like, I don't know, as if there's more intimacy going on.

I catch him watching that blondie girl's back as she turns around. He's not coming towards me but to greet other people, leaving once again alone.

'Why do you treat me like this? First everything sweet, and then...and then-'

I suddenly get up the moment a girl starts touching his face as he holds her tightly between his arms. I walk so fast that here I am falling. What a great time to twist my foot, I hate high heels for this reason. I struggle to stand up. I am on the ground halfway out while people are watching me with perplexity. Nobody moves to help me, they are just busy getting inside the restaurant.

I regret having accepted to have dinner with him. I thought giving him another chance could change him. But only a fool like me could fall again. I feel stupid and ridiculous at same time. I don't even dare to cry, even my tears are tired of falling for people who can't appreciate me.

"You have a weird way of wanting to be served at the table."

I slowly look up. It's a guy holding out his hand to help me get up. "Are you okay?"

I wipe my tears and say, "Oh, yeah, I'm okay, thank you very much for asking."

He smiles. "Why were you on the floor? First time wearing high heels?"

I laugh silently. "Is that obvious?"

He nods. "You sure to be fine? I don't mean to insist or anything, I just happened to see you sad and-"

All of a sudden, I recognize his face. "Oh, shit. You're-"

"Yeah, it's me, again." He says smiling.

It's that guy from the mall. Recalling him collecting all my expenses, especially that underwear in my Victoria's Secret bag, I feel embarrassment attacking me as soon as he also mentions it. Only then James appears framing us laughing at something.

"I have to leave you here unfortunately but hey, promise not to fall again, I don't think I will be able to help you get up this time." He says laughing.

"I won't, don't worry." I respond laughing.

But I stop as soon as I see James approaching us. He's looking at me badly. "Oh, hi, my little cousin."

"Don't you have an important dinner to attend to?" James asks instead, standing next to me.

"Right. I forgot you have anger issue." That guy responds bringing his hands up towards his shoulders. "My bad."

He slowly stares at me. "I'm Arthur Harrison by the way."

He takes my hand and kisses it. "Iris."

"Iris, Iris. What a lovely name." He says smiling. "Well, you twos are friends? More-"

"Have a nice night Arthur." James responds moving his hand around my waist.

Arthur smirks. "I hope to see you soon Iris, in the meantime, take care."

His smile fades the instant he gazes James for the last time before entering the restaurant. Once he's in, James doesn't hesitate to move away from me. He looks pissed.

"What were you doing outside?" He asks putting a cigarette in his mouth. "Did you talk to him first?"

Of course I'm lost. "Well, I needed some fresh air so-"

"There's air inside too." He replies lighting that cigarette. "What did you two talk about?"

What the hell?

"I'm tired James. I would like to go home." I respond walking away.

We don't talk in the car. All I do is observing the view outside the window. It's about to rain again, the wind is pretty aggressive. So I close the window and decide to turn on the radio. I have no courage to frame him nor to say a word after what happened. But from the corner of my eye, I see him being gloomy and thoughtful.

"Are you going to answer me or not?" He asks angrily. "Why were you outside? To enjoy the fact that I would have looked for you like a complete idiot?"

I laugh. "What were the colors of their dresses James?"

"WHY WERE YOU WITH ARTHUR?!" He shouts all of a sudden, he even stops the car. "I want to know every single of your conversation, NOW!"

I don't answer. "Are you planning all this to make me jealous, Iris?"

I don't stare at him. "You know what, James? I'll take an Uber, you don't have to give me a ride home, I-"

He immediately grabs my arm and pushes me inside the car the moment I was about to get out. "I'm sorry Iris, I didn't mean to yell at you, I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me, I'm just-"

He takes my hand now. "James-"

"Iris, forgive me." He kisses my hand. "Please?"

Is he really sorry? Why is he hard to read? And why is it hard to let him go?

I nod. "Okay, James, I forgive you."

He moves my hair behind my ear. I turn slowly towards his face, his green eyes are giving me orders, I feel vulnerable in front of them. I can't react but I do feel butterflies in my stomach when he gives me a kiss on the cheek.

Why is he acting differently now?

I should be happy but for some reason I don't feel anything. I just want to go home, I don't want this night to prolong.

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