Chapter 67.

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Once I'm up, I find myself walking down a long but narrow corridor. On both sides there are two doors all closed. Even if it weren't, I don't really want to go exploring. This silence is getting creepy. That's why James' absence is increasingly felt, despite the fact that I have tried to distract myself. But it is stronger than me, my mind does nothing but think about him. I mean, it is obvious that I am amused, indeed I am grateful that I could have the opportunity to enjoy myself, in absolute silence. Yet there's always that limit, which we sense to miss something- and that's him for me.

So I reluctantly point to a single open door, located at the end of the hall. I look up as soon as I enter. My heart does nothing but beat a thousand. Perhaps for what I am witnessing. I am immersed in beautiful perfumes, especially embraced by the colors of the rainbow. James has transformed our room, into a real garden. At every corner, I see bouquets of roses and daisies of all colors.

Nobody has ever done this for me. It is natural for me to be moved, I spontaneously close mouth with my hand. In particular when, turning around, I notice on the cabinet a small blue box. Without any thoughts, I open hands tremble with curiosity. I see inside a mini letter:

Dear Iris,

You told me last night that you wanted to be special and be a small part of my life. And that even a small place would have been enough for you. But the important thing is that you have it, so that you can love me. Well, now that you've opened this box, consider that wish already fulfilled.

Now you just have to enlighten me.

Good luck,


I have never seen such elegant calligraphy. Every word I say makes it clear how intense and mysterious James is. So sighing, I imagine his presence that reads all of this. But the object that I hold in my hand makes me divert that thought. It's a necklace. That one he gave me on our first date. That evening did not go well, so when he accompanied me home, being angry at his attitude towards me, I returned this necklace to him.

Retracing that event makes me understand, James is really changing. Plus, I'm still not aware of being his girlfriend. I am only when I finally put this special item on my neck. It is small and simple: like daisies. These details are very related to my personality, and that's what James loves. So once I look at it again, I don't hesitate to arrange those flowers in various vases. Prowling back and forth, I decorate the house with the scent of flowers. Especially when I'm in the kitchen. I'm really working hard on it. Since it will be the first room, which he will see, I came up with the idea of ​​placing a large vase in the center of the table. I want to create a welcoming and romantic atmosphere for his return. Specifically to show him that I really appreciated his surprise.

"Shit! It's already 8:40 PM." I exclaim looking at the phone.

Unfortunately as soon as I move, I hear a door close. Plus some delicate steps. Obviously I remain petrified. I don't know whether to move, or to stare at the void. Unluckily after that noise, I feel the silence again. That's what is making me anxious. Also because that mysterious presence suddenly turns off the light. So it's all dark. I use my phone to help me find the switch. With slow steps, I go in that direction.

Strange. I don't see anyone in the kitchen, and going near the main door a "BOOO," makes me jump in fright, so much that I scream.

"Surprise!" James barely exclaims, sees me on the ground.

I look at him badly, trying to catch breath. "Now because of you, I no longer feel my heart beating." I scold him, while he laughs at my reaction. "It's not funny at all, James!"

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