Chapter 48.

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At that point she changes expression by looking towards someone. As I turn around, I notice a girl who is staring at her with interest- sitting at the table near the exit, in the company of other friends. She doesn't seem to be having fun, everyone else is playing spin the bottle. Seeing two girls staring that way is strange to me.

Just then Nikki pays attention to me, asking "What should I do? Is it appropriate to make the first move?"

I turn around and seeing that girl not take her eyes off her, makes me understand that she is really interested. She's practically hypnotized. "Don't ask, go ahead!"

Without even thinking, she writes her number down on a napkin. I observe her with joy, and happiness that she has recovered. But it doesn't last long, because in ordering drinks I recognize those groups of boys. Therefore I try not to point my eyes in their direction. I don't like the idea of being flirted that way again. Unfortunately, one of them recognized me. Feeling observed, I whisper to Nikki not to feel good. As soon as she looks up, a guy sits behind her seat, making her jump by surprised. Consequently others join too. While they whistle at the waitresses, some encourage us to join them at a club- as soon as a friend of theirs has finished his shift. And as before, they praise us on our physique, and on our beauty. Hence both disgusted, we decide to stand up. The problem that these are blocking us out.

I observe Nikki, I sense her losing patience. "I like pussy, not your filthy little cocks. So if you don't get out of our way, I'll call the security or I'll have to kick your ugly flat ass out."

Obviously they desist from that unexpected gesture, leaving us alone. While some at the other tables, including several adults were surprised by that scene. I think for what Nikki had claimed loudly. Also going out, I see her stop. She's handing that napkin to that girl. They smile while her friends remain shocked. Maybe they didn't expect two beautiful girls could be interested in each other. After that, she leaves making me the gesture of having made it. We stare at each other, her eyes are full of emotions. And seeing her that way, it fills my heart with happiness.

We are not aware of where to go, until we won't end up on the Brooklyn Bridge. Both stop to admire the beautiful view of the city. The sky is as usual dark. But the moon shines in complete brightness, making it possible to glimpse even birds flying. The noise of the people keep us company, creating all this a nice atmosphere. As we wander in our thoughts, I hear my phone vibrates. It's James who calls me after four attempts. I take advantage that Nikki is distracted in her thoughts to respond.

"Sorry if I didn't answer, I am with a friend." I say calmly.

"What's your friend's name?" I can hear him changing. "And where are you?"

"Why are you asking for my friend's name?" I ask suspiciously. "Anyway, I am about to head home, so-"

"Don't move! Tell me where you are, I'll come pick you up." He responds, totally ignoring my first question.

I sigh. "James-"

"Where are you going baby? Don't leave me, please." I hear someone's voice...different and never heard before. "Come to bed!"

"Did you hear me Iris? I want your position, now!" He exclaims, rather angrily but it takes me a while to reply. I can't get out of my head the voice I heard.

"Have a nice night, James." I reply coldly.

"See you soon, Iris." He hangs up without worrying about my sudden change in voice.

I look at the screen rather confused. "Iris!"

I take one last look at the phone and go to Nikki. As we walk, I doubt whether she knows the famous James Harrison. To remove the whim, I ask her. 

At first she doesn't seem to have heard such name. A few seconds later she remembers it. Consequently, she informs, "There are various rumors about his personality, despite being one of the youngest celebrities to be successful."

It is said, he has a natural way of catching people's eyes, especially those of girls. This is why most of his fans are female, he has his own way to get wooed. Which is why he has a lot of exes, some say even older than him. She concludes notifying, he is described as a dangerous and mysterious guy. Nobody really knows who he is, he often changes habits and attitudes based on who he wants to woo. Some have named him as an intended and seductive type, impossible not to fall by his eyes. Instead others consider him as the prince of ice.

"I saw an interview. In which he spoke about a brand he was collaborating with, and OMG he was so fucking cold." She comments without showing any particular expressions. "Why did you ask about him by the way?"

I don't catch her words, I'm too busy thinking. I have never heard these sides of him from someone, I don't even know if I will have to believe it. But I feel they're all lies. I don't think anyone can see him for what he is. And that's what suffocates him. Or at least from what I think.

"I was just curious." I reply as we get in the car.

"From my perspective, he would be your perfect type. I don't know, but I sense you guys are kinda similar." She informs smiling. "Of course, I have no clue in what specifically. But you guys could be a cute couple!"

I become a rock instead. "Don't say things that don't make sense."

During the journey we didn't speak much, indeed we dedicated most of it to singing. Plus, how college life would have been like. The thing that surprised me was, when she told she will go to my same university- at least I know someone. Which means it will spur me to open up more to people. Also because, we both changed, and we seem to like our company. In fact I had a lot of fun with her, I hope it helped her with Kelly issue. Now I just want the best for her, and a lot of happiness. She is a good girl after all, whom like me had to wear a mask.

"I can't tell you much about me for now." She confesses as soon as I park in front of her house. Her expression on seeing it is gloomy. She doesn't seem happy to go home, in fact it takes her a little to get off.

Her mind is wandering somewhere. So to calm her down, I hug her. "For anything, I am here for you. Call me if you need me. Don't hesitate to text me, whenever you feel it!"

She gives me a big smile. "Thank you, Iris. I will."

And getting out of the car, she adds, "Enjoy your rest of the day, and...I had fun!"

"Me too, Nikki." I reply smiling back at her.

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