Chapter 90.

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"Where are you going to move?" Jamie asks.

"Certainly far from here." Grace responds forcing herself to smile. "I'll go to Colorado, where I'll be with my mother. A family company and a change of scenery will do me good."

"Why did you make this decision recently?" I ask unsure, so I add, "I mean, why not two years ago?" 

"It was difficult having to accept the loss of my daughter, so-" She pauses, to take a deep breath. "I started to drink so much again, that I had to recover."

"After that, I went through a long journey of mental rehabilitation." And looking down, she adds "Where they then brought me to meet a group of people who had the same situation of mine, they helped me a lot, you know?"

"Without them, I would never have wanted to make a decision like this." Her eyes are bright as she hints "I thought if I made this choice, it's like I'm leaving my daughter, but somehow-"  

Seeing her struggling not to cry, I stroke her hand. "As Jamie says, you have the choice of always making new memories, like tell her about your days, or as Iris did, write all this in a diary."

Without hesitation, Jamie replies "And if you ever think it's your fault that she left, it's not at all."

She smiles, this time staring at me proudly. "Iris loved you, don't forget this." 

As Grace wants to answer, her phone rings. "I have to go now, but it will never be enough just to say thank you."

All of a sudden, she hugs me. "Be strong, my dear."

Releasing herself, and with a nice smile she adds, "I'll visit often, in the meantime, please take care of yourself okay?"

I don't reply, I just nod. After that, she embraces Jamie too as she says, "Write me if you need anything."

In a calm tone, Grace replies "Share my contact with this beautiful girl."

She stares at me smiling. "So we can keep in touch, I expect you to visit me once I have everything sorted out."  

Jamie happily responds, "I will." And in a calm tone, she adds, "I'm sorry you came on the day the Harrisons aren't here, but I will definitely let them know you came by."

"I'll call Merlyn later." Taking the bag from the table, Grace says, "Before I leave, I'll definitely come again and say hi."

"We will be more than happy to see you again, also because you can see Daniel and Nancy! They have grown so much." Jamie exclaims, setting the chairs in place. "I hope James will be there too, he's quite busy these days."

By puffing, she adds, "That guy, due to his tough schedule works so hard, there isn't a moment that he doesn't stay still."

Grace with a half-smile, replies "It's good, he's young. It's very important that they get busy."

In addition, before heading into the kitchen, she points out "I wish he was here right now, I would like him to understand that he is not responsible for my daughter's death."

I remain silent, she's right. I'd like him to be here too. It would be nice if he heard those words. "So I hope I'll see him next time, I'd like to talk to him, and say all this in person."

Without hesitation, I reply "I'll let him know about your visit."

"Thanks, that's very kind of you." And with a sincere voice, she says, "Anyway, the way you talk about James makes me understand that he is very important to you, isn't it?"

I have become a statue. Looking at me like that, she hints, "I didn't mean to be inappropriate, it's just your eyes light up when you hear his name."

Clearing her throat, adds, "Well, he must be really lucky to have you. If you are a friend of Nikki and so willing to hear my daughter's story, it all makes you a truly special person."

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