Chapter 20.

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I imagine my future lover. Who knows how he will stare at me? Above all, how he holds me tight and how he pronounces that I love you. I would like that scene to be mine, mainly to understand what's the meaning of true love really is.

"I would like to look for him but my heart says me to wait." I take a deep breath. "Should I trust what it recommends? Where are you my unknown love? Can you hear me?"

In that instant I get a message. It's from the housekeeper of those children, she informs me that I will have class tomorrow. So that means, I'm hired!

I'm happy but not that much anymore. Because, well, the feeling of that guy keeping eyes on me, while I explain math to Nancy makes me absurd anxious. I feel very observed, but with the presence of her I can slowly calm down. This time in the company of her brother Daniel, three years older than her. So I could both teach simple things. He doesn't seem to understand easily. I don't understand why teaching them, only through learning, when they can comprehend better by playing. It doesn't give them the pleasure of studying, or concentrating. So without fear I create a little trick. So with every word, he could link it to smiley faces. Once he understands, he practices making strange facets with me. But he can't quite do it, because he laughs at my funny expressions. To finally complete the next exercise excellently.

As he starts with other new exercises, I focus on Nancy. She doesn't seem to like solving problems. In fact it is too complicated, also because I notice that she skipped a previous chapter. Consequently to make it easier, I formulate the problems with simple sentences and without many details. I advise her to imagine being trapped, and in order to get out, she must find that result as soon as possible, before time runs out. In such a way as to make her aware of being in danger. A great method to let them participate in what they do.

After that, we finish our first class. Daniel smiles and says, "That problem was easy, and besides, how do you make that face again?"

He tries to mimic what I did but fails. "Oh, you mean this?"

I fail doing it too because his laugh is contagious. "James, look what I've learned!"

But he doesn't pay attention, his eyes are on his phone. "Daniel, go and help Jamie in the kitchen."

"Did you see what I just did?" He asks annoyed but doesn't hesitate to change tone the moment James meets his eyes. "Yeah, I'm going."

As soon as James catches me staring at him, I look away.

"Iris. Do you want to stay for lunch?" Daniel asks me nicely while his sister holds my hand.

I have no idea what to replicate, I mean I surely would like to...but I don't want to bother them at same time.

"That's a brilliant idea, Daniel!" Jamie responds happily. "It's a great opportunity for you guys to get to know each other."

As I open mouth James shows up again. That's why Jamie takes Daniel and Nancy away.

"I wanted to say that today was pretty good. I liked how you approached them." He says giving me the payday.

I smile at him and whisper, "Thank you."

"You are welcome to stay if you don't have any plans." He says without smiling back.

Anytime I open mouth, there's always something that blocks me. In fact he leaves me in order to pick up the phone. So without hesitation, I go to the kitchen. For education I help Jamie to prepare lunch.

"Jamie do me a favor." James enters opening the fridge. "Can you get me an appointment with Sam? That asshole still hasn't sent me the scripts."

He drinks water with elegance.

His eyes are really intense. I instantly look away as he catches me watching him. Again! I feel so nervous. That much, I cut my finger. Unfortunately Jamie is not present and I don't know where I can get a patch.

I feel suddenly butterflies playing in my stomach the moment someone holds my hand.

"You should be more careful." He sighs pouring hydrogen peroxide. "Otherwise you risk hurting yourself."

He doesn't smile this time either. The way he touches my hand, I feel weird, and even more when he looks straight at me. These green eyes of his are mesmerizing.

"I will. T-Thank you." I reply nervously.

He doesn't add anything else, he just walks out the kitchen.

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