Chapter 24.

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When we're done eating, he gets up to pay. In this, he is stubborn. I proposed that everyone should pay their own share but he didn't consider those words, so here I am, tormenting him that as soon as I could, I would repay him back.

He laughs. "It was a pleasure for me doing it." He soon adds, "I had fun by the way."

Meanwhile it stopped raining, so we could walk comfortably. But I feel equally cold. I immediately feel pampered as soon as he covers me with his jacket. That gesture snatches an immense smile from me, unwittingly letting me fix my hair behind my ear. Unfortunately as we stop to stare at each other, my mother sends me a message.

"I have to go back. The problem is I don't know where I am." In addition as the minutes go by, I fret. Also because my phone is about to die.

"Give me the address." His voice calms me down, I feel relieved.

"It's not far from here. I know a shortcut, it would to take us to her in time." He says rather hastily. Turning my head around, I notice various paparazzi coming towards us, or girls having recognized him. They are all prey to photograph him, or receive autographs.

"What the-"

"You ready?" He asks smiling. Without even giving me time to reply, he takes me by the hand. And here we are running.

At that point everything seems to be in slow motion. We look like two children playing. All I do is smile, and laugh. The wind caresses my face, so does my long hair. I feel confident, barely known of how he holds my hand. It's like a push, an impetus to fly high. I have the same happiness as a little bird, finally after the rain, to be able to fly again. I have never felt so happy. His smile, and his looks towards me convey me serenity.

And to sow them completely, James pushes me to a small side of the road. We are in an alley narrow enough not to be noticed. We see them going straight. We laugh at what happened, but immediately surprised at how close we are. We are practically embracing each other. And both embarrassed, we release a little, walking towards my mother.

"Iris, where were you? I've been calling you-"

"I know, and I'm sorry for making you worry." I respond as I cover myself well with James' jacket. Right, James!

"Mom, this is James." I reply. "He is the oldest brother of the two children I tutor."

"Oh, nice to meet you James. I'm Isabela." She smiles shaking his hand. She then stares at me amazingly.

"This is our car. I-I mean if you want, we can give you a ride at home." I smile nervously.

"It's already dark, I don't you to go home late because of me." He responds softly. "Also my driver is coming so don't worry about me."

My mother gets in the car first, I think to leave us a little more alone. "Let me give you my personal contact so that for any inconveniences, you know where to reach me out."

"Is that an alternative excuse to get my number?" My eyes widen. "Oh, I mean, that's a good idea, sure, why not?"

He silently laughs at my agitated reaction. After we share contacts, he opens the car door for me. "See you soon Iris, in the meantime, I wish you a restful weekend."

"A-and you too, thanks for today." I respond trying hard not blush.

But I fail as soon as he says, "Goodnight, Iris."

I still consider this day to be a dream.

The moment he's no longer present, I freak out while my mother begins to bombard me with questions. I tell her every detail. And every single thing she smiles with joy. It makes her laugh as I explain how I behaved in the restaurant. I can't stop talking and repeating same things. I probably won't be able to sleep tonight.

"I'm so happy, mom!" I can't stop smiling like an idiot. "This day was amazing."

"You should come often at work with me then, who knows how many surprises are still awaiting you." Mom says laughing.

"I know right?!" I respond while looking at the window, it's about to rain again.

I turn my face to her the moment she holds my hand. "I want to see you like this everyday."

I smile and nod. I suddenly hear my phone buzzing, it's a text from James. He's asking me if I've arrived home safely but as I want to answer him, my phone dies. But still, the idea of him being worried cheers me up. Who knows what he thought about that dance. I think it was the best part of the day. Dancing and staring at each other in the rain, a scene straight out of a movie.

I am curious about what led him to know me more. Yeah, who knows...

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