Chapter 103.

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When we are in the hospital, the crowd and their voices always surprise me. They keep us company as we cross the corridor. Until I hear a little voice scolding another little girl. I mean, the thing that got me spinning is the way he communicated it. It was Daniel who, by dint of keeping an eye on the game, has certainly bumped into that little girl. So without using his own attitudes, I calmly try to make him reason to take his responsibilities and therefore apologize appropriately. By puffing, he does not follow my advice, I see that he is walking quickly towards Nikki's room. Without doing it on purpose, he bumps into a figure again. As a result, I apologize to the baby's mother but I think it was not a good idea to use my usual sweet tone.

Because in response she warns "You should start teaching your kids what are the good manners."

And YUP...she has mistaken me for their mother. Well I can't help but laugh, it's actually funny. Even Nancy agrees, in fact picking her up, I jokingly ask "This mother is really young don't you think?"

Smiling and touching my hair she exclaims "You would be the best mom in the world!" Looking down, she adds "I once dreamed you were my mom, and dad was James."

That last name stopped my heart for a moment, slowing people's steps too. Stammering I ask "A-And when did you dream it?"

She pauses to reflect. "It was that morning that you asked me what I dreamed of was the day after you and James took on the role of mom and dad, you know the same evening that Nikki felt sick."

Plus saying "Maybe because you were so good that I even dreamed you really were-"

She stops immediately, she has noticed that my eyes are dull. "That's why I didn't want to answer you when you asked me that. I didn't want to embarrass you, so I'm sorry if I'm doing it anyway."

With a smile, I reply "Don't worry, I'm surprised you would have said such a thing about me." I suddenly continue to say "Well, I would have called myself a rather clumsy, funny and-"

She speaks straight over me, replying "This is what makes a mom fun, I would like mine to be you, full of imagination and fantasy."

"Maybe because you never gave her the opportunity to show it." At that point she looks up, perfect for saying "You'll see that if you involve her more, a person will, of its own accord, let go."

She smiles when I mention "And then if she lets you read books of that kind, I'm sure she wants you to follow that world, otherwise she would have forbidden-"

"Like dad with Daniel." She specifies leaving me speechless. "You're right, mom compared to dad, agrees that he must follow what makes him happy."

Unfortunately I don't pay much attention, my sight is pointed towards that figure who is talking to Daniel. I wonder who he might be, his style is quite mysterious. I'm afraid it is...but it's not possible. Although this person is the same height as James, there is something that tells me it is not him. In fact it's Arthur. It was his little cousin who mentioned as he asked if he had already decided to stay for dinner with them.

For a strange reason, every word Arthur doesn't frame my face. Also because I can't analyze it well, he hides with the hat by putting its cap as low as possible. But as he notices Nancy's little hand wanting to move it, I think to remove that mysterious attitude, he quickly distances himself. Having confirmed yes to Daniel, he greets everyone already walking towards the exit. It all makes me worry, it's the first time he's behaved like this towards me.

So it's normal for me to keep a confused face but as I see my friend again, I can't help but smile. With great happiness, she hugs Nancy who has jumped up running towards her arms. I'm thrilled to see them in that state. Nikki's eyes are closed, a way to try to stop time so that their moment extends. In fact, despite having no energy, she strokes her hair. Nikki realizes also Daniel's weird behavior. She sees that he is erasing repeatedly something in his notebook. So after two attempts, she manages to get his looks. His eyes are concerned as if those previous movements of his were helping him to control his emotions. And when he sees that Nikki smiles at him, opening her arms, he lets himself go. In fact he doesn't hesitate to hug her.

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