Chapter 25.

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When I'm in my room, I immediately run to charge my phone and close myself in the bathroom. I turn on the stereo and happily start singing. Finding myself in the shower makes me imagine the drops of that rain, that moment when I danced with him. I can't stop retracing those moments. I'm glad that I can finally enjoy new experiences. Especially for making me feel safe, even when I've been a complete disaster.

He was with the real Iris, I felt myself with him. So much that I didn't pretend to be anyone else. If I were that old Iris, who knows how he would have behaved. Maybe he wouldn't have considered me much. Because I'm sure I wouldn't have opened mouth. Therefore it is a relief to see good results, after a thousand obstacles faced. Let's say enough to make me proud of myself.

This evening is darker than usual. Better so at least I have the opportunity to imagine thousand stars. So I can lose myself in their glow, like that sunset as soon as he came to meet me.

We can't stop texting each other. "In my spare time I volunteer, visiting hospitals to make children smile."

I smile and reply, "That's so kind of you. And what do you do? Do you read them stories or being an actor, you prepare a little play for them to watch?"

It takes a few minutes for him to respond. "Yeah. But I wish I could do more for those kids."

"Hey, you're doing already something amazing. Especially for kids, to make them happy is enough a small gesture." I reply. "Despite being a busy person, you still take time for them. This is what makes them feel less lonely and more part of something."

My heart stops the moment he asks, "I'll go and visit them tomorrow, would you like to join me?"

Unfortunately, tomorrow I will have to go to the countryside with my parents. "It's okay, no problem. Where are you going to be exactly?"

I specify him the place. "When will you come back?"

"On Monday morning, because I have class with Nancy and Daniel later in the afternoon remember?" I smile and go crazy, I mean, why did he want to know when I'll come back? Another dinner together?

I cover my face with the pillow. Oh, c'mon, answer me! I mean, I understand, it's really late and I should go and sleep, tomorrow I have to wake up early. So wishing him goodnight, I slowly fall asleep too.

"Did you hear me Iris? I said wake up!" Mom says opening the door. "Don't make me push you out of bed."

"I'm up, I'm up." I respond yawning.

I get out of bed reluctantly, and with an absurd headache. Brushing my hair, I look at the view outside. It's a beautiful day, right now that I have to leave. But I know that going into nature will do me good. After all, I miss those walks in the hills, obviously also my grandmother. I don't waste much time looking at myself, or choosing what to wear. I understood that appearance does not matter much, until one loves oneself. So no more elegant and neat theme. This time sweatshirt and jeans.

Finally in the car I try not to listen to music. For the first time I decide to be present. And that's how I communicate with them. They narrate me about their crazy college adventures. They give me hope, because being a large field, everyone can easily make friends. In fact very often groups are created. Obviously at the beginning is always difficult to settle down but college is an easy environment, I will definitely find confidence. Enough to understand and choose the right people.

Arrived I greet my grandmother giving her a big hug. "Hi, sweetie. It's so nice to see you."

"It's nice to see you too grandma, I missed you." I respond smiling as she kisses my cheek.

The mere sight of the hills, and of the cows that graze the grass, conveys me peace. I can finally breathe the clean air. It's going to be a good weekend.

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