Chapter 68.

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The sun that invades its brightness in our room, so hearing the birds chirp the song of good morning, push me to wake up. The wind that gently plays with the window curtains makes me understand, today will be a beautiful day. I get up slowly, especially if I don't want to wake up James. He's still sleeping, and it's great to see him in that state. He is so cute, adorable and sexy. How is it possible that, a person can have these adjectives at the same time?

I kiss him on the cheek. Smiling, I leave the room. I start in the kitchen. I want to prepare something good for him.

So with the background music, I sing "Cheer up baby! Cheer up baby!"

I start dancing as I wait to flip the pancake. I put my arms up while moving my hips from right to left. And by the way, I don't know about you but when I cook, I have the tendency to eat. So here I am, constantly eating blueberries. After that, I take a plate, and joyfully decorate the three soft layers of pancakes for James. I spray a little bit of whipped cream surrounded by four strawberries, and blueberries scattered on the edges of the plate. After that, I take a photo, and send it to mom. I immediately decorate my plate too. I smile as I feel someone hugging me from behind.

"Good morning." His breath kisses my shoulder, and finally my neck.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask highlighting my joy at seeing him.

"Despite your usual concert, I slept well." I laugh the instant he adds, "Shit. You snored, this time like, fucking, crazy."

"Sorry! It's not my fault that my nose wants to sing at night." He laughs at my answer. In addition, he picks me up, placing me on the cabinet.

I don't stop laughing, because he's tickling me. "Then we have to fix this nose."

I move trying to avoid his touches in search of tapping it. As soon as he stops, I can finally taste my pancakes, which are looking at me imploring me to eat them. Unfortunately, as I take the strawberry in my mouth, he dirties my nose with cream.

"JAMES! If you continue to bother it, it will get angry, and necessary have to dedicate a song to you as revenge."

"Well then we must find another way to appease it." He hints. And not even giving me time to reply, he picks me up again, putting me on his shoulder. We go out into the garden.

"Let me eat, I want my pancakes!" I rebel, patting him on the back as usual. At some point, we find ourselves on the pier. So I comprehend his intention. "James I will kill you if you throw me in the river!"

But he doesn't consider those words, rather he warns, "Take a deep breath, Iris."

And here I am, screaming, then finding myself in the water. As I live again on the surface, I can admire him running and then diving. It was too strong that it created a wave, making me move away from his figure. After that, I burst out with laughter as he tickles my foot, as well as being surprised, by his ability to hold his breath underwater. And here we are playing like two children. We dive with energy many times, and then we do the swim race. But being bad at sports, he won in the end. But this does not give me the excuse of not having fun. Especially when we start splashing, or when he holds me tight in his arms, making us spinning around. Every detail is in slow motion. Even when we kiss and laugh.

After eating the pancakes, we prepare to go out and go somewhere. So I decide carefully how to style myself. I put on a long dress of a soft red fabric, with black converses. Today no makeup, I want to be free and enjoy myself. So after doing two long braids, I start in the car with James. Which compared to me, has a completely different style. He has a white shirt, black ripped jeans and completed in all with black Chelsea boot leather.

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