Chapter 66.

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So annoyed I close the mirror. I take the backpack, and decide to go out slowly. I walk with my eyes down, trying to understand James' sudden character. So I don't pay much attention to what's around me. There is nothing that inspires me to admire where I am. Only when I touch the front door of this unknown house, I remain surprised. I enter slowly, observing its every detail.

There is so much simplicity, and that's what mostly catches me. The furniture is made of wood, while the rooms play with shades of brown, from the lightest to the darkest. I touch this leather sofa, looking in wonder at the large TV. It is located above a small fireplace, and analyzing it, I see a long glass door, which also leads to the kitchen.

But I'm not going in that direction, because by opening the patio door, I can go out into the garden. It's not as big as Harrison's. Instead this is small, and has bushes exclusively of daisies- of different colors. I finally smile, my dress matches with them a lot. I bow to admire them.

"These flowers remind me of you: simple and sweet."

James's words invade my mind, his tone reminds me of his absence. As a result, I get up and look around once again. I am in the middle of nature. I analyze the house carefully. Overall look like those classic ones that people use when camping. All this makes me happy, the problem is unfortunately, I can't smile. So I pretend to do it. Although I am in the same place with him, I feel equally lonely- precisely because I feel him distant. The only thing that keeps me company, is a swing hanged on the branch of a tree. It's sturdy enough to endure my weight. As a result, I let myself be carried away by it, which makes everything a welcoming place. Also swinging higher, I close my eyes imagining myself flying.

The air that caresses me replaces the touches of my him, an excellent situation to make me forget his looks. So it comes naturally to rock quickly, traveling with the imagination, to a world where everything is possible. I would like to fly to those horizons that nobody has ever discovered. Having my own place, and running for an unknown destination, free and alone from all. Unfortunately the way my mind pronounces those thoughts is weak. As if it were waiting for someone to offer me a hand, as it were the only solution to achieve that world, a goal, and a hope that something is still possible. So sighing, I slowly open my eyes.

"I miss you." I whisper looking down. My feet are suspended in the air, as well as my mind- looking for something to reassure me.

"Why did you stop?" His voice touches my skin, giving me great chills. He strokes this long braid of mine, and I slowly sense his presence getting far...and that is what saddens me. Until I feel a push...

I turn around, and I can frame James with that usual serious expression. The moment he meets my gaze, he smiles- but strangely I can't reciprocate. In fact I ask, "Who was on the phone?"

He doesn't consider my words. He just pushes me, this time gradually. As soon as the movement stops by itself, he approaches me by touching my shoulders and slowly my neck. I notice it was a way to hug me. He puts his arms on my chest, pulling me towards his warmth- I love his perfume. I can't resist, it's always so impossible not to participate.

Consequently I tilt my head on his shoulder, while he kisses my cheek. "Welcome to my world."

I light up a smile as he adds, "Our world." His voice is the most beautiful sound I can possibly hear. "Where here, the element that makes all this possible, and wonderful, is the girl here, right in front of me."

I involuntarily release myself from his arms. I change position, I want to be in the center of his eyes. "Those daisies are what make it all so simple and welcoming. Are they your favorite flowers?"

I follow his movements, he leans against the trunk, crossing his arms. "I thought they were your favorites." His eyes are so intense. They always know how to surprise me. "Let's say, everything is dedicated to you."

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