Chapter 76.

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Today is a sunny day, despite the cold wind, which indicates summer is about to end. So the atmosphere is preparing to welcome the fall season. In fact I see some people even wearing a jacket, or at least one in reserve in case it really gets cool. All this gives me a great positivity, also because after that call with Nikki, I feel that I have strengthened. Above all emotionally, I believe I am learning to control my emotions. Consequently also my mind.

For the first time, I'm not thinking about anything. But only how I will be with a new cut, in particular with a different color. I think that's the hardest part, my hair is very dark. So I'm afraid that by dyeing them, their natural color will not return. But it doesn't matter, as mom says, I have, sometimes to change a little bit. Especially now that I'm going to college, my goal is to transform myself, a tougher and jaunty Iris. Therefore I will not be the old Iris who was a loser, nor the Iris who people allow themselves to treat her as a nullity. And that's when I comprehend, Nikki took aim at our friendship, an excuse to get me away from James. A perfect way for her to trap me. So with the idea that she is my friend, she allows herself to choose for me, lying and playing behind my back.

Unfortunately as I want to add something else, someone calls me. After three attempts, Daniel manages to get my attention. "Iris, James is on TV."

And due to the noise of customers talking, discussing their new haircuts, I can't hear the news well. But I can't get up, since my mother recommended me not to move. I am forced to frame the television, watching it through the reflection of the mirror. I'm too curious of what he's talking about, so I say "Daniel, could you turn the volume up a bit? I can't hear anything."

Having said that, without hesitation, he gets up holding his new video game tight. "Is that okay? Or higher?"

I don't answer immediately, I'm already lost in that person's word, my heart is beating. "Good morning America! I am James Harrison, and today I will be answering the 10 questions that have been extracted. But before that, let's watch together the new trailer of my new movie!"

I'm surprised that many customers are all focused and curious to see the plot and James' presence. I cannot admit, he's very good at acting. In practice, from what I have seen, the story deals with the life of a rich gentleman, who despite being already married, falls in love with a maid. To then divorce the current family to create another, as if it were nothing strange. But karma exists, so he repents as soon as he realizes that love can deceive people. In fact, what she mattered is money, and while he is blinded by love, she runs away with someone else richer than him. Bringing him eventually to shoot himself in shame and for losing his dignity. Obviously I preferred to listen instead of staring at the screen. Above all, I'm not used to seeing James on television, I mean, that he kisses a girl who isn't me. But I can't comment on anything bad. That Corinne is very good, and manages to play her character well.

In a sense, I know it's a movie, but seeing the scene where they kiss, and do those things on bed, a little bit saddened me. Because it all seemed real. And that's how I feel trapped in his world, and in our memories. I can't help myself, so I sigh looking at myself in the mirror. I promised myself that I have to control my emotions, otherwise I am at risk that people will hurt me Nikki did.

I really thought that we were really friends. Unfortunately, the more I think about it, the more I have a feeling that she used me to target James for something. The problem is, I don't know what. And all this is really I wipe my tears before they fall. I don't want to be seen in this state. Suddenly a voice makes me look up again, helping me to drive away those thoughts. It's really nice to hear it again. This makes me understand that I really need him. I miss him very much. So I have trouble thinking. My heart does nothing but beat, and my eyes are hypnotized by his image.

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