Chapter 96.

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When I get out of the car, I notice that my parents are nervous. I think they are aware of the Harrisons' position and reputation, especially Thomas'. In fact my father, I remember that as a child he read some of his books. Instead Mom knows some movies that Merlyn has directed.

Seeing them in that state doesn't help me either. I feel anxiety about to devouring me.

"IRIS!" A little voice swoops, running in my direction. It is Daniel who as soon as he positions himself in front of me becomes a rock, unable to move. "Wow."

I laugh silently.

"M-mom and dad are inside." By gazing at me, he adds, "I'm glad you were able to come, Arthur warned us you weren't coming."

"Iris!" Merlyn exclaims, heading out of the house portico.

While we approach her, Daniel says "Nancy is in her room. She's preparing a surprise gift for mom and dad."

And smiling he adds, "She is waiting for you there, she wants you to participate too but don't get caught by mom and dad okay?"

I smile, and respond, "Okay, I'll do my best not to get caught then!"

"Daniel, let Iris breathe a little." Says his mother, making him understand to let go of my hand. When he does, she adds, "Could you call Nancy to get down please?"

After that, she frames me with her usual genuinely gracious expression. She doesn't hesitate to hug me. "How lovely to see again darling."

Moving away from her, I reply, "Me too!"

And opening my eyes wide, I add, "Oh, anyway, they're my parents."

Obviously, dad is already debating with Thomas about business. While they are focused on having fun, Merlyn invites us in. She directs us into the dining room, where we also see Jamie setting the table, obviously with the help of the legendary Daniel.

"Honey, where is Nancy?" Merlyn asks.

"She should get off-" He pauses. And as his mother gets distracted, he whispers, "Go up, Nancy is waiting for you."

Before doing so, I greet Jamie who always watches me with a calm face. She quickly changes expression, as Merlyn says, "Isabela, she is our housekeeper-"

With a nice smile, mom responds, "We have already had the opportunity to meet each other." Jamie's cold gaze prevents her from smiling. "Do you need help?"

Viewing mom help her arrange the essentials on the table really warms my heart. Although Jamie refused it, now I see that she is much calmer and less anxious. I think my mother, through that gesture, made her understand that in the end she is not a bad person. In fact now I recognize her, she is showing her best version. Particularly when they discuss a dish Jamie has prepared, sharing to each other their own recipes. It's one of her favorite topics, precisely because as I see, they both already have something in common, cooking.

While they are busy, Merlyn decides to put jazz music in the background to create the most welcoming atmosphere. After that she joins their conversation too, obviously listening to them. I think that topic is not for her, so sometimes she pretends to understand or just laughs embarrassed as she sees them laughing at some comment. In the meantime, Daniel and I head to the second floor. I don't know, but climbing these stairs is a strange feeling. Maybe I haven't been here for quite a few days. So even crossing this long corridor gives me a great thrill.

The whole thing creates this part really creepy. I didn't remember it being so, in fact there is something missing. And that something is a someone. My heart speeds up as my stomach finally released those butterflies pushing my eyes to keep the view on a point, which transmits in me the desire to go and explore it. It's literally hypnotizing me and as a result I can't stop staring at it. By doing this, my mind plays with my feelings, completely letting those butterflies out of my body. There is something that attracts them, a very familiar scent of a flower that matches mine very much.

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