Chapter 98.

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The following day, I am busy putting the last necessary things in the suitcases, so as not to forget them at the last moment. My first semester begins in two weeks. I'm so nervous and excited. I will also have to buy some new books so that I can keep busy in my free time. Unfortunately, I won't be able to spend much time with Nancy and Daniel so their parents got a new tutor but that doesn't mean I won't visit them. I will definitely continue to teach them during the summer holidays. I just hope they get along well with the new girl.

Anyway, in these days, in addition to visiting Nikki, I will have to go and buy new clothes. It's time to change the wardrobe again, also because winter will come. So I'll have to make the change of season. Suddenly, while I settle all the stuff on the bed, my phone vibrates. So raising up to answer, the book of Romeo and Juliet is the first thing I see. As soon as I touch it leafing through it I carefully reread the quote that led me to kiss him for the first time.

Although I want to retrace that event, now my mind is different from what it was in those days. Loving him led me to hate him, he was absent, he neglected me making me go through these last stages alone. So honestly, like I said, I want to leave the memories that made me feel bad. Hence as I put the book on the shelf, my heart beats as I see that diary about Will. So I take it curiously and calmly start leafing through the pages. The strange thing is reliving in these memories of the little me who had her first crush gives me a nice effect. Despite being bullied, I always showed myself in the diary, a happy and hopeful child.

The reason is that, at that age, dreaming of Prince Charming does not make us realize the reality and its wickedness. Only when we grow up, that attitude vanishes, to make us realize that we are different from everyone. This is how we begin to compare ourselves with others, trying to reach their same level. The truth is, we can't escape who we are. So we will be in conflict, until the only way not to get hurt is to accept and understand that, it's okay to be different. And this is what enriches me, the events that I have experienced in these times, have finally made me understand that it is important to live challenges. And that's what I wrote to myself, to remind me to be myself. Reading these words charges me making me start this day well with positivity.

I'm going to have a long day today, and the presence of the legendary little Harrisons is making it a good start. I am so light and mentally well, so as soon as I see them with their backpacks, I don't hesitate to take them in the car.

Being the last to come out, mom's voice stops me. So turning around, I see that she is also in a hurry. I see her going back and forth, arranging the essentials in her bag. "Iris, what time will you come home?"

"I think about dinner time, why?" I see her relieved.

Thus once she picks up the keys, she walks over in my direction. "In the end I won't be able to go to Jamie's for tea, I have to extend the hours today." And touching her forehead, she says "I'm sorry honey, but I don't think I can come by to say hi to Nikki."

With a nice smile, I reply "Don't worry, I'm sure she will understand your reasons. Why this rush?"

By tying her hair, she responds "I have to pick up and take your dad to some meetings since he has no car." Her tone is irritated, I think she is using it against me.

Always keeping patience, I inform "He might as well have taken it, I could very well ask for a ride from Arthur, or Jamie."

"I'm sorry honey, but it's time you got yourself a nice car!" She exclaims, explaining "What will you do in college? You will need one all to yourself. It will be more convenient and comfortable for you to move around."

Rolling my eyes, I reply "Mom, when I get the chance and enough-"

"It will be a gift from us, so no objections." She replies smiling, she is really stubborn. "Anyway, I'll send you the shopping list, I don't know what time I'll close the shop."

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