Chapter 75.

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When we arrive in front of my house, I immediately frame my father's arranging old furniture in the garage. My mother jumps out, giving a warm welcome to the little Harrison. Nancy hides behind me, holding my hand tight. Instead Daniel, all happy introduces himself. After that, I also encourage her to do the same thing. But I smile as soon as she nods no with her head.

" must be Nancy. Iris often spoke to me about you." My mom smiles trying to get closer to her.

"My name is Isabela, the mother of this beautiful girl near you." She concludes by reaching out a hand, and Nancy slowly shakes it. "Don't be shy."

And to convince her more, she suggests, "Would you like to help me prepare dinner?"

When she signs a yes with her head, smiling and keeping her expression embarrassed, she starts with mom. She is really small and so adorable. Especially when she turns around, beckoning me to participate. Then Daniel, unlike his sister, keeps dad company, resuming my old skateboard as he happily starts playing with it. He also invites Nikki, and only in that instant I recall her presence. Unfortunately I don't really want to talk to her.

So I just take the backpacks, and move those boxes, which apparently should be gifts for my parents. The moment I notice their weight, my father appears. He smiles and helps me move tools around the house. And upon entering I see a really beautiful scene. That is my mother who smiles while explaining to my little cupcake, how to cook. She is sitting on the kitchen cabinet, watching her with so much curiosity. She follows her every move, and that little red dress with those braids tied with that usual bow, reminds me of me so much as a child. I also sat down, admiring my mother who cooked.

Their laughter awakens so many memories in me, and seeing mom so changed makes me realize how much I have grown. Time flies too fast, and I only notice it now. I was so busy growing, that I never noticed these little moments. Perhaps because the more I feel that college is coming, the more I feel nostalgia- a feeling that is a mix of sadness and joy. Sadness because one day comes when I will have to say goodbye to my parents, and my home, in order to fly towards my way. Joy because only when you grow up, you can understand the richness of life. Above all the true meaning of appreciating every moment.

So watching scenes like these of my mother and Nancy, spurs me to cultivate every second of my life. I want to turn every minute of every day into an eternal memory. Only in this way we can become immortal. As a result, I spontaneously whisper I love you mom. Suddenly someone scares me from behind, making me scream. So Nancy and my mother point the view in my direction. The thing that makes them laugh is my expression, which looks badly at Daniel, who at the same time, observes me sticking out a tongue. Obviously I don't mind, I just keep moving the stuff.

But the moment I bow, pretending to lift the box, I touch his shoulder. "I got you! Let's see if you can catch me."

Having said that, I start wandering around the house, trying to escape from Daniel. Nancy encourages me to run fast, and a few seconds later gestures to mom to drop her off. Which means she wants to participate. Obviously my mother, being...well herself, begins to say "Iris, try not to drop anything. In fact, you should go play outside in the garden."

So without stopping, I hurry in that direction. Unluckily, without paying attention to what is in front of me, and going too fast, I don't notice glass door is closed. So I slam so hard that I find myself on the ground. As Daniel laughs, my mother asks "Oh my god, are you okay Iris?"

I do not answer. Only an absurd silence falls. "Why does misfortune always manage to catch me?"

I whisper in me, trying to stand up. But seeing Nancy get closer to me, I pretend to have no energy. I show her that I embrace the floor with my eyes closed. When I have the feeling that her hand is at the millimeter from my shoulder, BOO, she screams, running away from my figure, who is getting up ready to catch them again.

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