Chapter 55.

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With a thoughtful expression, I go back inside. And the moment I hear voices, I look up. I glimpse Merlyn staring at me with a half- smile. She is as usual, elegant and charming. She has a white shirt that depicts tiny, and different flowers with blue jeans, wearing high heels. In addition also a light blue band that forms a bow, an excellent idea to collect hair. As I start to approach her, she embraces me without hesitation.

"I'm sorry you don't come, otherwise it would have been a perfect opportunity to get to know each other better." She nods in an insecure tone, I sense her would like to talk to me about something in private. Indeed she takes me to the kitchen, with the excuse of wanting to take a bottle of water.

"Unfortunately when I return, I will have to go back to my agenda. So I won't be able to be with my kids, but I'm sure they will understand." She hints with a sad voice. "And I'm glad that with you, in addition to studying, they can get a little distracted from their thoughts."

"You made a great impact on them." She pauses and whirling around, she adds "Especially on James."

As soon as that line ends, my heart stops. "He doesn't make it clear, but a mom notices everything, despite her sons try to hide it."

"Unfortunately what blocks him is his past. Since he was a child, he has gone through so many obstacles imaginable in his life...let's say most of them are traumas."

She sighs, trying to keep control her tears. "Even though growing up and trying to change, that little James is still in his mind, which prevents him from enjoying, and loving what he has."

The speech does not end, because she hears her husband calling her. After she has looked away in that direction, she turns around and notifies, "I can't tell you much. It is a very personal and delicate matter. The reason I share it with you, because I trust you."

Looking down, I ask, "What am I supposed to do at this point? I mean, what can I do? I-"

In that instant, she suddenly interrupts me by saying, "You must continue to be close to him. You are the only solution for him to change, and to get out of his past."

She continues by updating "He knows he has been adopted, however there has been no possibility of keeping in touch with his biological family, and in any case even if we had wanted to, the authorities of the country from which he comes, don't allow it."

"So why do you feel guilty when you don't have to?" I ask curiously. "I mean, from what you told me-"

"James doesn't know why he ended up in the orphanage." She informs by saying, "We decided to hide the truth from him. It was the only way for him to adapt to this world, different from what he had."

"I feel guilty, because maybe we should have been more sincere towards him, explaining every detail of his past." She finishes, keeping her eyes focused on the void of the room. "We thought it was a great idea to get him away from his old world, but growing up, he has always been the same James, whom I saw for the first time..."

I hear her wanting to add something, but she can't. I stroke her shoulder, and say, "You guys have done a lot for him, and I am sure he is aware of this."

To finally reminding her, "But sooner or later you have to reveal the truth to him, he deserves to know that."

Only then, Thomas appears looking at us perplexed for our serious faces. His style is different from the usual, it is the same way of dressing of those who play golf. Especially that hat, with the glasses leaning on it. He warns his wife that they have to leave the place, pointing out that they are running late. At that moment she gets agitated, hugging me quickly.

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