Chapter 53.

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As soon as I finish eating, my phone turns on. Without hesitation I take it, and read a message from Jamie. I haven't seen her for a while, so do Nancy and Daniel. "Nikki, would you like to come with me somewhere?"

"Everything is alright?" I question quietly. Seeing her staring at the cup worries me. I make her understand it by touching her hand. In that instant she looks up, limiting herself smiling, without giving me an answer.

I don't know what she has suddenly, I hope it is nothing serious. Maybe on the way, I will try to make her talk, I have a feeling that something is bothering her. I comprehend it from her big breaths, as she's trying to be positive- I mean, is she happy? That question squeezes my heart a little, I don't know but I feel that something is wrong. In order not to show myself that way, I get up and go to pay. As I am looking for my wallet in the bag, I instantly stop.

I don't know, but I seem to have heard James somewhere. I look around, and the thing that indicates me the direction, are people's faces. Especially girls', whom from their appearance, are really curious about the news. So confused, I look at the television, a news channel never seen before appears. They give updates of various news that happened on Sunday. Including the famous James Harrison, in addition to his film coming to the theatre. Obviously I don't care, so I concentrate on paying. Until they report on he was involved in a fight.

"Yes, unfortunately it's all true." The journalist explains "The famous Harrison caused serious brain damage to a guy. It all started because this guy had tried to molest a girl. That is the famous influencer Corinne."

My eyes do nothing but stare at the screen. My heart is beating a thousand as soon as the reporter specifies, the molested girl is James' current girlfriend. And to make matters worse, they also show a clip. Which a guy secretly recorded a short conversation, a few before James attacked. The place is full of lights and buffets, it makes me understand that he was at a party. But strangely it is not an elegant event, in fact the whole thing is simple. I understand it from people's casual clothes, or from their costumes.

Here's what it is: it's a pool party. The only thing that stands out about that fascinating place is James' suit. I think it is the same as when we kissed. I don't believe it, this means...that call was probably from Corinne who had invited him to the party- where the incident happened. And that's why he left me alone...just to go from Corinne to the club. I am so hurt that I didn't even notice my tears fall, sliding gently on my cheeks.

But I look up, as I hear on TV, a different voice than usual. "Do you think, we are all afraid of you here?"

The tone of that boy is really provocative. In fact, James turns quickly, with an expression never seen before. As he approaches, Corinne swoops, begging him to let it go. Her ways with him, and how she looks at him, is slowly convincing him.

Except when that guy mentions "Remember when you were in Russia, you were nothing, piece of shit! That's probably why, they put you in the orphanage."

He pauses, looking around. I guess to see if he got people's attention. "Who knows...maybe it's also the reason why, you grew up alone in the sewer." He smirks as James turns around.

"C'mon asshole, go on!" He threatens so aggressively, that the guy winces.

"James, let's go!" His girlfriend exclaims.

"Maybe it's a lie that you've been adopted. Who knows, perhaps your mother fucked the first rich man, to take care of your ass, so that you-"

He doesn't end, because James punched him violently. And another one on the head, making him to lose consciousness. People are scared. But in spite of this, they remained to watch that scene, while some people secretly film it.

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