Chapter 31.

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I felt I wanted to avenge myself for what I had to go through due to her selfishness. Above all for what she did towards those poor innocent people. Because that's exactly what she wants. She looks for weakness in people as she tried to look for it in me. I mean I've never felt weak but only when I was unable to act in certain situations. Because I was afraid of being judged and targeted too. But this time I've learned to face my fears, I won't let myself be carried away by peoples' opinion.

For example, I remember when my literacy teacher told me about my behavior in class. I started to remind her and so others not to mention my name, especially when it came to give back homework. I was bullied for being the smartest and for being the teacher's pet in the past and consequently I didn't want to live in that phase again. In order to make friends and be surrounded by people, I needed to hide who I was really. That's how I became friends with Nikki.

"Being tough and serious won't lead them anywhere." She once said when she framed some guys studying hard.

"My philosophy follows that concept that people shouldn't give a fuck about duties. They should instead live their life fully, just by having fun." She said throwing pile of papers in that direction of those students within written, loser.

"What do you mean by having fun?" I asked her innocently. Kelly started laughing.

"It's obvious, silly. Boys and PARTIES!" She shouted.

People watched us.

Embarrassed, I hid myself behind my notebooks while these two started twerking. What surprised me was the background music, those songs were erotic. Seeing them without interest in peoples' opinion, I understood from there that that they would have been perfect friends. And that was how I started frequenting them for the rest of the high school years.

So now that I think about it, I don't like her concept of life at all. I mean on the one hand, she's right. It's true that we live once, and therefore we must do everything to enjoy it. The other is living without commitment in life makes you miserable. In fact if humanity thought only of having fun, today's world probably wouldn't have existed. Commitment is what drives human to overcome his limits and to never be satisfied.

So I would say, yes, it's good to have fun but it's also good to be serious when life requires you to. This is the reason why I think there should always be a balance of what one does.

When I head to my bike, a familiar voice distracts me from my thoughts. It's that girl from Victoria's Secret.

"Thank you, for what you did for me." Her eyes are full of joy. "You were amazing by the way!"

"Of course." I smile. "Don't mind what she says okay? You're beautiful just the way you are, don't let anyone say otherwise! Repay them back with confidence."

"Iris. I know a good ice cream place around here, would you like to go there with me?" She asks shyly. All she does is staring down.

"I'm really sorry but I can't right now." I respond with a half-smile. "Let's do this! Give me your number, so when I'm free, I will let you know, okay?"

And that's how her smile returns. "Oh yeah, that would be amazing!"

Done that, I hug her and say, "Have a nice day, and see you soon my friend."

The last word makes her extremely happy, her eyes are shining.

However, I've planned a new program for Nancy and Daniel today. Having them constantly study at home will not do them well. Also because the summer break is almost over. They will be the only children who will study in this season. So I promised myself to keep them entertained. I have accepted to be a babysitter too. So from now on, I will spend more time with them. And honestly I don't mind it at all. It's an excellent way to get them distracted from the absence of their parents. Daniel very often writes in his notebook that he misses them.

Once at the destination, I see Jamie nodding me to follow her. She's taking me to a side of the house never seen before. I cross another long hall but this time attached to the wall there are big portraits of people, probably the other members of this family.

I stop to admire a portrait of Nancy and Daniel in the company of their parents. They are having a picnic in front of a lake, I can see in the distance other people having fun swimming and fishing. What a beautiful scene. Although these figures are grouped together, everyone seems to be on their own world. Nancy is reading a book under a tree, Daniel is picking up a dandelion and their parents are happily talking to each other.

What makes this painting so catching is its style, it's very similar to that of the Impressionists. I can picture Monet painting something like this.

But someone's missing here, why isn't James in it too?

All of a sudden Jamie gives me a key but without explaining anything. That's suspicious, that's weird. Especially when she opens a door and says, "Iris, don't be shy, come in."

I nod.

It's a huge room with various doors. I wander and notice on the shelves various books waiting to be read. Unlike his siblings' rooms, James doesn't have any photos of himself nor of his family.

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