Chapter 50.

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As soon as I finish reading, I slowly open my eyes. I look at a point, without knowing what I'm watching. My mind wanders in the words he pronounced a little while ago. In fact, I wasn't even able in getting well into the character. Suddenly I turn towards him, while he does not stop taking his eyes off me. I think he is waiting for my answer, or a comment on what I have just read. He is positioned in front of my desk with his hands crossed. His seriousness, and his attitudes create silence an embarrassing sound. It's all so quiet. I can't even hear the noises from the ground floor, as if the whole house was in complete solitude from the outside world. And the moment I change position, he rests his arms on the table. I see a hidden smile, most likely for my nervous face. I'm always on the bed, but my vision is pointed at the door. And with maximum security, I start to speak out.

"What you thought is really contradictory. Nobody can know how love can go at the first sight." I look on the ground, trying to find the right words.

I add at the end "Just by trying to live it, we can understand the true meaning of having to sacrifice. And when we do it, we will remember that first sight, which started that love."

'What am I talking about? It's useless what I say, since he doesn't even believe in the meaning of love'

Consequently, as soon as that thought passes through my head, I look up. I stare him straight in the eye, and in a cold tone, I inform "And that's why, those who don't know how to love, will never comprehend the meaning of all this."

Obviously these words are not touching him. He repositioned himself in the same way as before, but this time by sitting down. He takes the chair next to my mirror, and the way he's placed is quite attractive. So I do not stay to watch, rather I touch the book finding an excuse for not seeing him. But it's known that, with his presence is impossible, consequently out of the corner of my eye, I analyze him. He keeps his elbow resting on the sleeves of the chair, with hands folded. And in the meantime, one leg is positioned on the other. Briefly what to say? All this makes him truly fascinating, and elegant. For this reason, the more I keep my sight on him, the more I feel the butterflies in my stomach. As a result, I don't even notice that I have changed position again. Now I see myself one hundred percent in front of him.

Once he gazes at me focused and captured by his figure, replies "If people sacrifice themselves, then their love must fall into oblivion. And slowly be forgotten by the world. So what's the point in loving each other?"

All of a sudden, he grins as I try to reflect. Finally I respond "This shows the weak side of love. But what makes it so powerful, is just how it can inspire other people to love, and so for other generations, and for those who will come." 

He does not reply immediately. Indeed he seems to be having fun debating the topic of love- as if he has been waiting for years for some response. Thus I am amazed at how hesitantly, he sits on the bed, too close to me. But I pretend nothing happened, even if I feel anxiety is about to devour me. Furthermore, all I do is observe him. It's stronger than me. Instead he keeps his eyes fixed on the ground, lost in the world he told me about. I think in that story, he's that boy whom feels to be separated from reality. And it's the same thing I had to face. Just that differently. He tends to ignore it, on the contrary I tended to save myself.

'Who knows. Maybe this is what unites us?'

Seeing him not answering me back, I joyfully say "I guess I won!"

I stop laughing as he glances straight and deeply into my eyes.

He whispers, "And when the Earth and those generations don't exist, who will be able to cultivate the meaning of love? All this makes only a waste of time, when in reality in the end everything will fall into obscurity."

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