Chapter 22.

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All I do is staring at him but this time he doesn't notice it. He diverts attention from that band. As a result, I also continue to record. In that moment he looks at me curiously. Thanks to the reflection of my cell phone, I can see it. He does not take his eyes off me, he analyzes me intensely. To then change expression as I settle down a tuft of hair behind my ears. This time amazed. I believe because I have revealed my face completely. In fact I get to watch him out of breath. I can't help but smile back at him. Then we decide to walk somewhere together. We don't notice where we are heading, we are busy conversing.

"Instead I don't like jazz very much, I'm more for classical." He says putting on the sunglasses. "Like Mozart, Beethoven- although my favorite is Chopin. I hope you know of what I'm talking about."

"I like spring waltz from him. My grandfather used to play it often." I recall an event that I admired him playing the piano. "I used to be a ballet dancer, so I do understand what you're talking about."

I laugh. But I stop as he seems not to participate.

"Do you still dance?" He asks without even looking at me. I'm the only one who keeps staring at him. That's weird, he never changes expression. His appearance is always so cold.

"...Not anymore." I sigh. "It's a long story." I reply back while I enjoy watching people walking, or those guys playing basketball.

"What about romantic genre?" I didn't mean to formulate that question, I feel nervous for asking him that. Great Iris.

"I don't like that either. I think it's quite pathetic. It's useless to dedicate something about love, when in reality there's nothing special about it." I don't comment.

What makes him to say that?

Perhaps that's why he never smiles- there's something that bothers him. Suddenly he stops to admire a poster of two people. His gaze towards that direction, makes me understand that he is thoughtful. He's getting gloomier.

"I hate being the center of people's attention. All that shit, because I have famous parents." He says taking out his pocket a pack of cigarettes.

In fact I have seen a lot of prizes that both have won. His father obtained some international awards, for various speeches on the most moving and motivating peace, or for his various books concerning market life, or things like that. While his mother, various best films, consider her to be one of the best film directors. I honestly never heard their names before. I still remember Jamie's reaction when I told her that. She looked at me as if I had cursed.

"Due to their fame, I had to deal with many fake people. All ready to conquer me. Obviously not for what I really am. But only and exclusively for my image. Or rather fill their pockets with money." He lights a cigarette.

I see him wants to go on but he can't. So with my touch on his shoulder, I sense that he is calming down. It gives us also the opportunity to gaze at each other. We stay like this for a few seconds. Then we decide to continue walking, framing another band playing a slow-dancing. I am moved by the beautiful voice of that boy who sings. It's so deep. Some dance happy to be able to follow him. Nobody cares about people's eyes. Everyone is committed to getting lost in the looks of their loved ones. I feel like I want to be involved too, but it seems bad to ask him. As soon as I think about it, I notice a hand that invites me to dance.

It's from James.

He looks at me serene. This time smiling at me in a way never seen before. It takes me a few seconds to decide, but then my heart pushes me to accept. When I touch his hand, I stare at him in a way I've always wanted to do. And that's why, I foresee a fire going on in me. A heat that warms me, enough to make me sweat. A feeling that gives me great chills. I am about to burst as he keeps observing me, especially with those intense eyes of his. As we dance everything around us seems to be blurry. The more I hold his hand tight the more I feel the world vanish- what's left is him. I close my eyes imagining myself running in search of that voice, to join him.

It's not a dream.

I keep telling me. And as I open my eyes, it starts to rain. Yet it's not an excuse for us to stop dancing. I am too lost in his green eyes. And so are his in mine.

"I like rainy days." His voice is so calm now. "They're a great chance for me to take off my mask."

With a sincere smile, I reply "I like them too. They're a great chance for me to remind myself that, after rainy days there's always the sun ready to shine again."

Only there, I can feel his coldness going away letting us to enjoy this infinite moment.

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