Chapter 33.

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After a few messes on the ground, we decide to clean up everything by listening to the music. At that point Daniel takes courage and starts dancing, It makes me laugh as Jamie is invited to participate. Nancy is too busy decorating her latest cupcake. Her face is dirty with chocolate, even her dress but with flour. But it doesn't matter, what counts is having fun. In fact I see her smiling at me while eating a cupcake.

As the radio broadcasts a series of hip-hop music, Daniel starts to make an amazing break dance and once the song ends, we all applaud him.

I go over to hug him. "Daniel you are incredible! Where's this passion comes from?"

I stroke his hazel brown hair. He doesn't reply but limits himself sitting on the sofa instead.

Then with a half-smile, he says "I like it. I want to be like those professional dancers one day."

I understand something is bothering him, so I sit with him. "But my parents don't want that."

"That you listen to this genre of music or-"

"Both." He responds staring slowly down. "I have to hide myself in order to listen to them, or to learn how to dance, I-"

"Hey, look at me." I whisper encouraging him not to look away.

Taking a deep breath, he asks, "Am I a bad kid?"

I spontaneously hug him. "You aren't, Daniel."

Moving him a bit away, I add, "You're just doing what you like. And if this is something you're really passionate about, please, don't you ever stop doing it. Obviously your parents say it because they love you, so it's normal for them to worry."

He smiles when I say, "But this is your life, it's not theirs. Only in this way, you can be sure to live without any remorse. Got it?"

"Thank you, Iris." He replies hugging me.

Jamie ruins that beautiful moment. "Is this supposed to be a way not to help me clean all the flour fallen on the floor?"

We laugh and stop the instant that James appears.

He remains on the same spot, surprised to see such a mess in the kitchen. He stares at us badly while approaching the table to finally take and eat a cupcake without saying a word, which makes us laugh even more.

As Daniel and Nancy head to take a shower, I go out in search of him. I watch him from behind. I think he's staring at the pool. Finding myself next to him, I also limit myself to observing his point. Sometimes it's true, there is no need to communicate to keep company. In fact we seem to be enjoying this silence. We both smile and he eventually walks off to pick up a daisy from a bush to fit it in my hair.

"This flower reminds me of you, simple and sweet." He says pointing his eyes slowly on my lips.

I smile. Those are the same words my grandma told me. After a few seconds, with a frightened expression he says, "Oh, nice. There's a bee flying around you."

"James, move it away!" I say trying hard not to shake.

But all he does is laughing at my scary face. "Seriously?"

"Good luck with that, Iris." He says walking away from me.

But he remains surprised the moment I take his hand. And together we dive into the water. He laughs at that unexpected decision of mine. And again we look like two children playing, we enjoy splashing each other. I laugh and scream as he grabs me. He's holding me tightly between his arms and together we start spinning around.

"Hey, that's not fair! You guys are playing without us." Daniel shouts from the patio. "Let's go, Nancy."

They decide to run towards us. That's how we all end up playing together. I don't think I felt so much happiness in one day, it's great to see Harrison siblings having fun, enough to make me remember, when I played with my father in the garden.

'These are important moments to remember.'

After playing, I find myself in James' bathroom. He cordially offered me to shower. I can't believe I am about to experience that tub. What a nice feeling, and then as I thought it's really relaxing. The only thing missing is a book, but knowing that he has also to shower, I don't waste time fantasizing.

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