Chapter 105.

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Once I listened to her, I get in the car, driving ready to pick up the little Harrisons. I hold off what Merlyn told me. I think being with her has done me good, I feel light and strangely thoughtless. She cleared up also some frustrations of little Daniel. He has always had a fluctuating relationship with his father, let's say that Thomas is a man who expects his children to have a certain level in everything they do. He is very fond of the beautiful figure of his family in the outside world, so if they want to pursue a dream, he would like it to be something concrete, that they do not make it fail only with the illusion of living life dreaming.

And that's why he's strict about Daniel and the dance issue. He has seen a lot of good guys, who in becoming passionate about that kind of music, have made them obsessed with having success as a level of superiority. But he is still willing to give his son a chance but if he does, he will keep an eye on his every activity. Knowing this has filled my heart with joy, which means that they will be willing to come and visit us at the hospital.

Furthermore, his mother hopes that this year will be different for Daniel. During elementary years was quite difficult to control him, he often had mood swings. The absence of his parents made him confused, especially the presence of James is what made him calm until he felt neglected by him too. Not knowing who to take as a point of reference, the big brother was the one he chose to follow. So through observation, he understood that to have so many friends he had to accept them, despite being bad, all not to be alone. Hence he accepts any condition that doesn't make him feel neglected, which is not true at all. Because despite being absent, Thomas and Merlyn are super attentive parents about what their children do.

Therefore I think this new journey will lead Daniel to form his own mind, without having to continually look for a model to follow. I hope that finding something that distracts him, something he likes, will help him. I really hope so, also because this was my idea. So if the opposite happens, I will have to take responsibility. But knowing him well, I'm sure none of this will happen. So getting out of the car I enter, smiling as Nancy runs with her backpack over her shoulders to hug me. I take her in my arms, whispering good morning by touching her nose. To then look at my dancer who points in our direction. He gives me a smile and gestures to me to follow him.

He's finally playing his favorite genre loud, a song whose title unfortunately I don't know. I smile as he begins to dance, showing passion with every step, moving lightly, dancing as if his body had no bones. It is really loose, in fact it moves, changing position in a crazy way. Making me understand that he also has the ability to create choreographies, imitating and taking cues from professionals. I am amazed as he holds out a hand to me, indicating perfectly that he wants me to participate.

Laughing as I am surprised to memorize his moves well, following his every step. And we both don't stop smiling as we try to improvise as soon as another song arrives. We giggle as Thomas comes out trying to follow him, making little Nancy burst with laughter. And seeing son and father having fun together like that, I just have to smile like an idiot. Also making me remember when I danced with dad or when I danced while grandpa was playing the piano.

After this amazing time, as I wait for Daniel to take everything he needs, I hug the housekeeper and go to the kitchen for a drink. From what Jamie tells me, she and mom are becoming great friends. They are seeing each other practically every day as well as in the afternoon, both of them will meet to visit Nikki together. So there will be a chance that they can witness our surprise.

"We are sure to be there."

And without saying anything else, she communicates later that, "By the way, Iris, I'm glad I could clarify with your mother on the matter, you know, about Luke. Your mother is amazing."

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