Chapter 13.

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I take my diary from the drawer ready to write. Then try something new. I'm looking for a book to read, unfortunately I'm out. I have to buy more. Whatever. I'll read my usual favorite. This time I would like to try listening to music. I think it will help me get into reading better. In fact, it's quite different in this way. I can feel the emotions of the characters. Especially when they try to confess their love. As at this moment, I can feel their pain of having to say goodbye. I feel moved when I read:

'With love's light wings did I o'er-perch these walls; For stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do that dares love attempt.'

And here I am crying, as if I were Juliet for Romeo. Which at the same time makes me laugh with joy. I mean how sensitive I can be in books too. I wish I could be like these great writers. Through their readings, they have taught people to be empathic for years. In a sense, we all have a weak side although we try deny it. I think it's important to realize that feeling different than usual is normal. It is a phase that will lead us to know ourselves better, and to use it to face better delicate situations.

"Comes to everyone to grow up one day. So we will have to leave toys, and begin to explore the world through knowledge, and curiosity. Something that if human would never have done, surely life would not be the same. Therefore it is neither a choice nor a destiny, but an instinct to want to discover what we know we deserve. I, Iris Jones to understand it...I had to pass thousand obstacles. But this was not an excuse. It was a push, to launch myself to the future, to the thought that I can really make my life a safe place. Obviously it is normal to be afraid of what will come. But remember that it is better to be a small twig, which follows the current of the river, rather than being a rock, unable to find out what the horizon has to offer. I'm sure you will find what will make you happy, but these words should not be of any use to you. The reason is that it depends on your heart, and what it will deeply desire. If you fail continue to be that little twig. Only in this way you can see how much you can face, and how strong you have been. The rock in comparison will not be able to feel those emotions, especially those satisfactions. Because it's a prisoner of its own circle. So never give up. And the tools of knowledge, I can use to guide me towards what I really want to do. Therefore thanks to all the teachers, and parents who have always helped us, and pushed us to do our best. Without you we could not go to the next stage: the road towards our future. Thanks again."

Everyone applauds me as I finish my speech. Seeing that crowd, mostly unknown to admire my words made me proud of myself and how I could help them open their eyes. That life is long, and that it is okay to make mistakes. Consequently it's certain that it will never be late to start over again. So be happy with your progress. Always.

"Honey, I'm so proud of you." My mother says sobbing.

She hugs me tightly while my father is behind her. He has his usual habit of putting hands in his pockets. But this time he smiles at me with his maximum glow. After that, he decides to join the embrace of the family. We stay a bit armed like this. I can notice my mother crying with happiness. She always wanted to see me with the diploma uniform. And with joy, all the students throw their hats in the air. The thing that pushes me to do it too, is when they start shouting, Fox we are, and Fox we made it!

"Iris, I'm glad that we could end the year like this." Alice says- that girl from the video that Nikki bullied. I still remember her sad expression, and seeing her happy again fills me with joy. "You already know what you will do, I mean which university will you go to?"

"I have no clue, and you?" She laughs for my answer. In the meantime she explains her project, I catch Nikki at the corner. She's alone, observing Kelly hugging her parents. Her face seems off, is she crying?

"Hey, let's take a photo." Alice holds my hand. I divert my glance at Nikki. Once we took it, I turn around. I watch her heading to the exit. In some way, I feel bad leaving her that way. But at same time, she deserved it.

...I am excited for this new chapter to start. Next step is to get out of this circle. I won't change what I am. I won't follow what others want. I will follow what my heart says, and what makes me happy. Otherwise I can never truly know who I really am. If people don't love for who I am, I will have a lot of opportunity to get to know others. What matters is learning to love myself, above all that no one can trample on what I want to be. Life is already short, and I'm still very young, so I don't have to be stressed out.

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