Chapter 102.

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"Who was that girl, is she a friend of yours from high school?" Mom asks curiously as we walk towards the car. "She is very beautiful. It's a pity that with all those gadgets in her face, they ruined her."

Going up I say "No, we just met." To fastening my seat belt, I add "And we found out we're going to the same college, isn't it cool?" I see her sighing, committing herself to start the engine.

"That style, those looks...I am not convinced that it is a good idea to hang out with her." She communicates so seriously. "Especially in college, where many take advantage-"

"Mom, please don't make the same mistake with Nikki." As I mention that name, she becomes a piece of ice. "I talked to her. She's nice actually."

Seeing her not responding, I touch her shoulder reassuring her that "It will be okay, you don't have to worry. And then, it's good that someone already has-"

"I know, but this time it's different from other school years." Smiling nervously, turning to view my expression, she hints "We're talking about college. And you're going to stay away from us, so if anything happens to you, it won't take us just minutes but hours."

By changing her position immediately, focusing her attention on the road, she states "It's normal for me to worry, I won't be able to be close to you for twenty-four hours like now, so I would like start off on the right foot, that's all."

"Do you trust me?" I ask, anxiously waiting for her answer. But she just waits for the light to turn green, following the movements of the people passing through, talking about their day. "Wow...I can't believe it. Forget it mom."

"Iris, it's not a question of whether I trust you or not, I rather don't trust OTHERS." She specifies by tilting her head a little, lifting the fingers from the steering wheel. "Remember that I was young too, I don't tell you all this to torment you, but I do it for your own good, warning you, as we have always done, of the danger you can risk."

"I understand. But it doesn't seem very encouraging to start this experience in this way." I reply, leaning my elbow on the window, closing my eyes. The coolness of the wind is already carrying me on that day.

"You're right, it's just to tell you to be careful-" Turning around again, she mentions "And that we love you. So your safety is what matters most to us, regardless of your duty as a student, do you understand?"

I shake my head yes. "Mom, since I'm already in the car, could you give me a lift to Nancy and Daniel?" Seeing her trying to smile, I ask "Why that expression so suddenly? You're hiding something from me, because I recognize it well when you take that-"

"Of course not, why should I? After all, you're just starting college, it's not an important step...right?" I look at her confused while keeping a smiling face. "Actually, if I have to drive you there I'll have to go straight to work, and since I'm distracted like...a person here."

She communicates in slow motion as if she wants to highlight well with who is speaking. So jokingly I reply "Come on mom."

Clearing her throat, she repeats "No, I'm serious...I have to go home, I forgot something."

I see her trying to find something specific. But nothing comes to mind, she just turns up the volume on the radio. To immediately turn off when Corinne's voice appears when she is being interviewed. But being curious about their lies, I tell her not to. They're talking about the movie that came out recently, asking her what it's like to work with someone like James Harrison. She confesses that he's pretty tough and serious when it comes to working, and to everything he does. Even when there is a break, or a joke, he never changes expression. Despite this, she finds him a good and determined person and considers herself very lucky to collaborate with him. At that point I can sense that she is nervous, from the way she tries to clear her throat when they ask her about their relationship, and how it is evolving. By specifying that social media, both of their fans are crazy and confused about their situation.

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