Chapter 84.

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"Do you like Italian cuisine?" Arthur asks handing his jacket to a girl, who apparently seems to work for him.

James doesn't seem to be very interested, so in order not to create an awkward situation I answer "Anything is just fine for me. What counts is that I eat, I'm literally starving."

With a nice smile, he says "Then I'll make sure it's all good, and will live up to your expectations."

All of a sudden, he changes face, as we both hear James close a book with aggression.

After a few seconds, the cousin clears his throat and with a sorry he goes to the kitchen. I take this opportunity to warn, "James, you could at least pretend-"

"Pretend to participate? Well, let's say that seeing you twos collaborating with such happiness makes me understand that my presence is useless." He replies without staring at me.

"Especially if this is about Nikki. In fact I could almost even leave, like for her I was nothing but just her best friend's boyfriend. So whether I participate or not, it shouldn't be a problem."

After a big breath, I say, "This is about all of us, and then being my boyfriend, I'd like-"

"What do you expect me to do, that I reveal some sort of magic formula so as to magically awaken Nikki? Isn't my company enough for you?!" As the sentence ends, I remain without words.

When I hear his cousin's footsteps returning, I whisper "I expect you won't be the usual asshole."

"Is everything okay here?" Arthur asks as he comes back, staring at us perplexed.

In order not to worry him, I calmly respond, "Yeah, everything's good."

After that, I follow his movements as he says "Dinner will be served in the garden shortly."

When I am outside, the darkness takes possession of my body making me fall into its empty world. But Arthur's ways console me. In fact I smile when I glimpse him moving a chair, indicating me to sit down. This does not seem to please James, he clears his throat as he sits next to me. I obviously pretend not to notice his presence.

"I like this wine. What's its name?" I curiously ask.

Lighting a cigarette, Arthur replies "It's called the Etna Doc Rosso, it is a special gift from the director of the cellar that produces it."

After throwing out the smoke, he adds "As a wine, I consider it truly refined, even if it is very strong and full-bodied, typical of vines grown on the lava of the volcano which bears its name."

I take another sip well. "Sicily must be really beautiful, I mean Italian culture in general."

Suddenly I look down. I see James's hand gripping my thigh and even more tightly as I smile back at Arthur.

"In case you want to visit Italy, I know a lot of people who work there. Especially in Sicily who will be able to guide you to find good accommodation."

As he concludes, James responds, "I'm sure she won't need your help. Being my girlfriend she'll have everything she needs if she wants to travel somewhere."

Seeing Arthur's smirk pushes me to change the subject. "So what Italian menu have you-"

"Instead of talking about bullshit, why don't we get to the point? We're here on this purpose." James says after drinking a sip of wine.

I glare at him, but he doesn't pay attention.

He's too busy focusing on Arthur. "Like, what made you want to lie to Nikki? You know very well that it is your fault if she hates me, you did nothing but make up stories about me, for what in the end?"

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