Chapter 38.

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I can't stop writing about James. I really wanted to get off from that car and just walk. But his presence made me impossible to refuse it. When I arrived home, I had to head straight away to the door. I whispered goodnight but he did not even dare to respond. He limited himself start the engine, letting me again observe that empty spot. I imagined what that dinner would have been like if it had ended differently. Needless to dream, when reality is what it is. The rest is an just illusion that plays with the hearts of good people.

'Does love have to be so complicated? Or rather, is love what I feel? Or just an interest? What is the difference?'

When I wake up, I have a severe headache, probably because I listened to loud music all night. Only after a nice cold shower, I feel better. Before reading a book, I check my phone. No messages from him, I sigh. Why am I the only one who's always looking for him? I can't stop thinking about those moments we had on the balcony.

"Why do you treat me like this James? I don't really get it..." I murmur putting a pillow on my face.

I can't stop thinking about him. He's really stupid, and so are my feelings. That's why one day, I know I will regret for having followed him. By dint of thinking, I notice that I'm late! Today is my little Nancy's birthday. So I run to change quickly, going out without even putting on makeup. But who cares...right? In the end I arrived quite on time, maybe because I finally decided to move by car. It was scary at the beginning but I kinda enjoyed it.

As soon as I'm at the entrance, I see Jamie smiling at me while moving some furniture.

"Hi, Iris!" Daniel exclaims as he waves some balloons. "I like this style of yours!"

I love this sweatshirt too, it was my father's. "Can I help in something?"

"Hey, Iris. What do you think?" Jamie asks in a proud tone.

She changes expression when I respond, "There's something that is not convincing me, I don't know what. Wait."

I walk around the living room. Only when I'm outside the patio, I get a brilliant idea. "What about moving the table outside the garden in order to have space for decorations here? Is it too much?"

"I don't think that would be possible. Also because, outside there are already small tables scattered with four chairs each." She says looking around while drinking coffee.

I don't like the idea of ​​celebrating such a scattered birthday. I bet Nancy wants people to sit at one table, so that they seem like a complete and unique family.

"You think so?" Jamie asks as she heads to the kitchen. "Well, how about you decorate the living room then? I have to go grocery shopping."

"Oh yeah, we should definitely do that. We will finish everything on time." I reply drinking a sip of water. "What time Merlyn and Thomas will be here?"

Making sure that Daniel is not listening, she whispers, "I don't think they will be able to come today. Merlyn called me this morning, apparently she wasn't able to cancel some of the meetings, so yeah, she's basically stuck and the same goes with Thomas."

"That's a bad news!" I mutter as I peek from the kitchen Daniel who seems to be happy, I guess besides celebrating his little sister's birthday, to see finally his parents be back home from work.

"I know, Nancy won't enjoy that much. Another promise wasn't kept." She says washing some of the dishes left on the sink. "But I do understand Thomas and Merlyn, they're busy people and you know, having family businesses of so many generations and which will go from generation to generation, it's tough."

"Yeah, it's a lot of responsibility." I respond gazing down. "But, hey, let's be optimistic! They might be able to come, who knows."

And with a smile, I add, "In the meantime, let's make this day a good day for Nancy."

While Jamie's busy with grocery shopping, me and Daniel head to the mall and find things necessary for the decorations as well as finding the present for our birthday girl. Once arrived at the store, we don't hesitate to separate and start looking around. After a few minutes, we reunite and go to the cashier. This is an excellent reason to spend my first savings. Once paid, I get Daniel an ice cream as a reward for helping me.

As we are busy finishing decorating some touches, I hear suddenly Jamie screaming with joy. Daniel excited gets up hastily and runs towards the living room. "Mom, Dad! You're here."

I stay still, I'm nervous especially when they catch me observing them. Merlyn is a really beautiful lady, her face is so similar to Daniel's, except for her eyes, I see Nancy in them. And what a beautiful smile she has, a very gentle smile.

"Hi, Iris. It's such a pleasure to meet you, finally!" She exclaims happily while giving Jamie her jacket. "I thought we wouldn't make it, but, oh my, it's such a relief to find ourselves home."

"Nancy should be back, let's say, around 3:00?" Jamie says smiling. "Iris has an amazing idea on mind for you."

"Oh, yeah, she wants you and dad to hide somewhere so that you can surprise Nancy once she gets home." Daniel replies playing with a balloon. "She thinks you won't make for her birthday, so."

With a smile, Merlyn responds, "That's a lovely idea, Iris!"

"Well, I guess she won't need any other presents, she has already what she wanted." I say making Thomas and Merlyn smile.

"We're so grateful to have you Iris." Merlyn whispers hugging me. "My sons told me everything about you! Don't worry, all good things."

I laugh. "I'm grateful too, you have amazing kids." I mutter nervously. "They missed you so much, it happened that they would ask me about you, when you would-"

"I know, it's been almost a month now that we haven't seen them. It's upsetting but it is what it is."

My smile fades the moment Thomas gazes at me. He has the classical appearance of a tough man, something in common with his oldest son James. His eyes are extremely intimidating, so no wonder why it takes me a while to decide whether to shake his hand or not.

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