Chapter 32.

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And by exploring, I enter another room. Oh, it's the bathroom, I don't know why I though it could be the game room or something. I guess because every wealthy family has one. But nevertheless I remain surprised, this bathroom is large and compared to the rest of the house, this one is a liberty style bathroom.

I stay a few seconds to admire the beautiful tub, it's huge and placed right underneath an arch. Touching its edges, I already imagine myself taking a bath. It must be really relaxing, especially while having the view of the garden beside you, I picture myself reading a nice book maybe with a few lit candles. It would be an unforgettable experience to try something like this.

And oh my god, this mirror, I would stare at myself for hours if I had one this large in my bathroom. "Iris."

Right, Jamie.

When I come back, I see her smiling at me. I don't think to have seen a red dress lying on the bed when I entered. "Is it for me? No, it can't be right?"

As I touch it, I understand that it is a very delicate fabric. I have no word, I don't think I've seen anything so rare and unique. I can't stop analyzing it.

"Jamie, can you please explain me what's going on?" I ask turning around.

"Sorry but I can't." She smiles heading to the exit. "Don't forget the key! Look around and you will understand everything on your own."

I suddenly notice hidden behind the dress a letter. I pick it up when I see that my name is written on it. I open it nervously. It's an invitation to a restaurant, apparently to a very expensive one. It must have been from James. But I don't understand unless...

I watch the key and decide to look for explanations. It doesn't match with any doors here present. As I surrender, I notice a door behind this big curtain. I obviously thought that it was covering a window but no, it's to hide a door. In fact it matches. Taking a deep breath, here I am, with open mouth. I can't believe what I'm seeing.

I find myself in an immense library. I can't stop wandering around these shelves, they're incredibly high and each illuminated by chandeliers. I've never seen so many books in my life, I don't hesitate to take one and read it.

"Am I dreaming? I hope not." I whisper as I restart looking around.

In the middle of this library, I see a long table and by walking towards it, I glimpse mini letters. Not much is written, only numbers up to hundred. I follow them and I slowly find myself in front of a huge window. Oh, it's a door.


I can see the whole view of the garden from here. I advance my steps towards the end of the balcony and laugh as soon as Daniel spots me. I wave him back and decide to return, it's time for our session. Enough distraction. As I head back to the library, I notice another letter, this time hidden behind a vase of daisies.

"Why are you doing this to me, James?" I ask as I open that letter. "Without even giving me explanations, like, why?"

'Iris, I hope you enjoyed this little surprise, and yes, it was all for you. All this, so that I could convince you to have dinner with me tonight. Remember when I asked you yesterday if you were free today? Well, what you say, are you in? Yes or Yes."

Laughing, I write, "Mission accomplished! I warmly accept your invitation :)"

As soon as I get back, Daniel and Nancy go into hiding. But I pretend I didn't see anything, I only focus on preparing our class. I hear them whispering and fighting over something but they end up screaming the moment I pop up behind them. Here we are playing tag and although we're making a lot of noise, it's nice to see them so energetic. Damn, I wish we could play a little more but we have to start our session.

It's nice to see good results.

Daniel is getting better at math and Nancy is much more capable of communicating something. So to reward them, here we are having fun dancing and preparing some cupcakes. And as Daniel is absent, I take this time to talk to Nancy.

While I hand her one of my books, I say, "From now on, we will be sharing our thoughts and opinions of what we will be reading. So as an exchange, I take that book of yours that we read on the first day, remember? And you mine, is that okay with you?"

She nods and whispers, "Okay."

She seems to feel comfortable with me, I see it from how she gazes at me. I perceive in her a great lover of adventures. Just the opposite of what the housekeeper says.

In fact she describes that way towards Daniel. Which I absolutely deny. His confidence in opening up to people will lead him to turn the road around. A direction where without reason will bring him to change. Unlike him, Nancy appears to be fragile and shy but one thing is certain. That is, once she has gained confidence in herself, she will fly high, discovering sides she never thought to have.

To prevent insecurities in the future, I promised myself to help and guide them. Reason why I gave them as homework to write down in a personal notebook, what goes on in their mind. And if they had completed five pages at the end of the weekend, I would have rewarded them.

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