Chapter 89.

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Iris watched her run as fast as she could away from her. Unfortunately, she no longer knew who she was seeing at the time. Her mind reminded her that she was her best friend but her heart imprinted that it was an unrequited love.

But it wasn't.

She was afraid to follow her instincts. She was just confused. Damn confused. She was not aware what the right solution was. This was why she remained in the same spot, crying.

Remembering that she was at the Harrisons' house, she sighed and decided to go back. Suddenly she noticed the gift on the ground. When she took it, that simple touch sparked Nikki's presence in her. To confirm this, she looked up. A tear fell on her cheek as she saw the emptiness that embraced her. The silence was a great immense pain, so taking a deep breath, she walked inside. She wanted to go home, so before introducing herself to James she went to wash her face.

She saw herself in the mirror. She observed in front of her, a girl who has lost everything, her parents, her home and her best friend. As a result, Iris completely lost herself, she had no idea who she was.

"Everything's alright?" James asked as he saw her sit down again. "Where is Nikki? I wanted to say hi, but then you disappeared for no reason."

Without showing that she wanted to cry, she said "Nikki couldn't stay, she had some important things to do."

And to convince him, she added "But before leaving, she wanted to see me and to give me this present."

Smiling like that, a doubt came to her. Or "James, why did you want to say hi?"

At that point, he gave her a half-smile. "She barely talked to you and when she did, she just made fun of you instead. So-"

"It is true that we never spoke to each other, but every time she talked to you about me, she laughed and always showed a nice smile. So I don't call it spite, especially seeing her happy when she was with us."

That sentence made Iris think. She remembered the signs, of those numerous times Nikki hugged her as she saw him appear or how she held her friend tight in her arms while he spoke to her. Especially when she put her arm around Iris' shoulders that day they were at the mall. She went out of her way to create those moments, something that made her happy despite James' company. Because the presence of her friend was what mattered to her.

"You are right." She finally replied.

"Iris, can I ask you something?" His face got nervous, especially when she nodded. "Are you sure you want to continue your studies in the same school where I'll go?"

Seeing her not respond, he reassured her by saying "I am aware that you have been with me to help me open up with people, but this is about you and your future so-"

"I didn't just help you, because, by doing so we became-" She paused, the wind became chilly. So she touched her arms, trying not to tremble. But as she looked up, she noticed him next to her as she added, "Friends."

She had a hard time speaking, above all noticing how intense his green eyes were. They were hypnotizing her, as a result she was not aware of his movements. As long as she felt a warmth over her shoulders. It was he who covered them with his jacket.

"We are, right?" She asked uncertainly as he stared at her again.

Without answering, he touched her hand. That gesture trapped Iris, she didn't know what to do. She saw his gaze pointing to her lips, particularly when he came close to her face.

"I think to feel something for you, Iris."

As she felt his breath caress her skin, she moved away a little. He noticed it and stopped immediately.

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