Chapter 49.

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When I'm in front of my place, I notice a very familiar car faced the garage. By going in, I can feel my stomach twisting as I see James in the kitchen. He's dressed in a suit today. My mother greets me as soon as she sees me. Consequently making him to turn his gaze on me. I think I'm about to be crazy. Those green eyes look like those typical tools for hypnotizing people. And that's what he's doing to me. Unfortunately, he immediately diverts his attention to my father, who in the meantime is busy talking about something, that I have no idea what it is about.

Mom seeing me being stuck as if I were a statue, asks "Is everything okay?"

I don't answer, I just sit down. Being close to him makes me rekindle that warmth in me. My legs are shaking, trying not to touch each other. I feel nervous because I sense being observed by him. But I pretend not to notice it. I limit myself attending their conversation.

"Remember that not buying the shares of the railroad was not a smart move." Dad pauses, looking at my presence, to immediately resume, asking "Have you seen how much they have earned in the last few days?"

Not even letting James answer, he changes the question. "I mean, did you buy or sell it?"

With a serious tone, he replies "Unfortunately our company sold it, but we still didn't know that the government would invest a billion dollars to modernize the infrastructure."

In that instant mom demands if I was hungry. Embarrassed I nod her no. I get up to open the fridge, I'm so thirsty. In the meantime I am looking for a bottle of water, I smile at hearing his voice.

"The problem of the business world, so decisions to buy or sell, must often be made quickly, without being able to have all the details that it would be useful to know instead."

As he finishes, I turn around realizing that he is keeping eyes on me. Even when he drinks coffee, he can't take that look away...his ways are so intense and seductive. He has a gold watch on his left wrist, to make him completely attractive. Especially that tie. It's like a magnet that pushes me to get closer to him. In fact I head in his direction, this time without sitting down. I position myself next to my mother, who in the meantime tries to follow their debate.

Dad happily adds "For this reason I would not invest with any company." He concludes by saying "I prefer government bonds that don't make much money, but risk losing losses."

Without taking his eyes off me, he replies "It's a question of mentality, and of willingness to take risks."

I'm already bored, so I try to hold back the yawn. I know they're talking about business, but I'm not understanding it anyway. But I refocus as he starts to open his mouth again. "There are people who have earned a fortune, playing on the stock market. But, obviously to be successful you have to turn to very capable brokers, and carefully follow the market trend."

The moment he touches his watch, he adds "Above all the world of economy."

My father in serene tone responds "It's true but there were also people who lost everything in a few moments, aka the sacrifice and savings of a lifetime. Not to mention that there were banks and financial institutions that collapsed."

Okay I give up. I'm literally getting bored, so this time I yawn. Also without warning anyone, I start in the room. Although I'm happy to see dad talking to him willingly, while he patiently listens to him. The more I hear James' voice from the ground floor, the more I feel my heart accelerates. I feel so nervous. In fact I don't stop wandering around, looking for a way to distract me. It's impossible. It seems difficult to get him out of my head. To refresh my mind, I'm going to rinse my face. Plus in case he could kiss me tonight, I brush my teeth properly. Who knows if something will happen. I don't have to get carried away by emotions. So I sigh in front of the mirror until I hear noises in my room. I look out, and I see him reading a book taken from my desk. Despite facing away, I think he glimpsed me. In fact, he turns interpreting Romeo and Juliet, specifically:

'The cloak of the night conceals me from their eyes; if you love me, let them find me. Better to lose life for their hatred than to ward off death in the absence of your love.'

As he ends, I notice a different expression. He stares at me uncertain of what he read, affirming "Those who sacrifice themselves for love, is already a lost love from their first meeting, so what's the point of loving each other?"

I sit on the bed, encouraging him to continue reading. I add that he must do it, trying to connect words with his heart. Only in this way he can understand them. He gazes at me closing the book. By placing it on the table he states that, it is not his genre. I guess he lies, so I get up and start leafing through the pages. I recite the same quote, expressing it with everything I'm feeling. With each word I connect it with the heart, and each space with the mind, in such a way as to imagine the pain.

Not even at the end of the sentence, I block my gaze on his eyes. He glances at me in a different way than usual. A serious face, but at the same time smiling at me. And that's how we stare at each other. Silence falls again, I think it has become part of our company. Only after a few seconds, I decide to start again. This time trying not to observe him. So I sit back on my bed, imagining his presence vanish from my room. I close my eyes, and dream of being the Juliet, having to pronounce these words against those who hate that love.

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