Chapter 18.

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Charles Dickens has always had good ideas, which is why I consider him one of my favorite writers. I love his books, like Oliver Twist from which I was totally obsessed with. One detail I love about him, is precisely because through his stories, he tried to open eyes to the upper class, of how much poverty there was. Hoping to, at least be able to involve the reader in the suffering of those poor people. Which he was criticized for, but it was also a way to make him successful.

With his reading, as a child I was alert to people's malice. But at the same time never to lose hope. Because there is also good in the world. For example, the people we hold dear, and whom we love. In fact, he wrote stories about children who are often orphans looking for hope, making the reader enter the world of a poor London. He inspired me to be a good, selfless kid. Especially to be ready to help people in need. Sadly that was no longer my reality. So as I grew up, it was natural for me to mind my business in front of obstacles. In a sense, it was obvious that I wanted to intervene when I met a group of kids bullying someone, even when Nikki did it. But I never managed to react.

'Who knows what that little Iris would have thought, facing her like that. Probably she would have been disappointed.'

During the reading, I notice Nancy listening to me. She keeps her arms resting on the table, as a support for her face. I also glimpse a hidden smile, every time I pretend to misread some words. Besides her room is so quiet, a perfect place to enjoy reading. I already love this house. Plus, seeing this little girl so focused makes me really happy, I've never seen someone that way. I can mirror myself in her when I was a child. I had the same expression, when my mother told me fairy tales or many of the stories she made up herself.

As soon as I am halfway down the page, I stop. We both hear a big mess coming from the ground floor. There are various voices, and different from the others. I close the book. But she touches my hand, shaking her head no. She wants me to read on. So smiling again I restart, even if the noise from downstairs doesn't help me much. But seeing her so interested encourages me to focus, until someone knocks on the door.

I am heading in that direction. And opening up I find myself in front of a guy. A really handsome guy, tall, with brown hair and with beautiful green eyes. At the beginning he looks at me in amazement, but he immediately changes expression. From the style, it seems he had gone horseback riding.

We stay a few seconds to stare at each other.

I look away because Nancy runs to hug him, even though I have a feeling he is still looking at me. They set off into the dining room. I don't go down, rather I stay a while in Nancy's room. I practically hear voices talking about me. I think it's from that guy. He reprimands the housekeeper. I had to come right after he finished horseback riding. It was his plan to question me, and attend lessons. Suddenly I hear a silence echoing. To then hear other noises coming from outside. I hear Nancy's laughter, so it is natural for me to look out the window. By hiding behind the curtains, in order not to get noticed I see him playing with her. There is another kid who runs around the garden with his airplanes. In the photos I remember seeing only two children. Maybe he's their cousin, or he could be their father himself. But it cannot be possible. He is too young, I think he may have my age.

Oh, no! He caught me starting at him. I instantly turn around, and the first thing I see is Nancy's bed. "Shit, shit, shit!"

"Miss Jones." Jamie calls me from downstairs.

I take back my purse. Before going down, I go to the bathroom to rinse my face. After that, I sigh and head slowly downstairs.

"He's waiting for you outside." Jamie says nervously, about what? Did he say something, or did Nancy say something to him, maybe about how I approached her? Am I already fired?

"Wow." I whisper the moment I find myself outside.

This can't be a garden, this is Central Park. It's immense! There are fountains and various plants of all kinds in the distance. I also see a pool. Well, this house is a castle, a classical Victorian mansion.

But all my enthusiasm fades when my attention is on that guy. His gazes are damn cold and intimidating. That's why I don't stare at him for long. I try to look elsewhere.

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