Chapter 54.

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"Can I be honest with you Iris?" She hints as soon as we get to the Harrison house. "I don't like kids very much, so I would like to wait for you outside, if you don't mind."

Obviously I'm stubborn, so I encourage her to participate. "They are good kids, I'm sure you will like them." I want to add something, but a figure blocks me.

Seeing Arthur smoking, while watching me, makes me feel strange. I haven't seen him for a while. So I'm surprised at his presence. The last time I saw him, he was dressed in casual, today he is in suit. I stand still like a statue, I don't know why, but I have a feeling that I will see James too. I don't know how to behave after everything that happened, between us. Seeing me being stunned, Nikki starts walking towards the entrance- as if she knew the way. I only move when I notice Daniel coming out, running to greet me. His style is different from the usual, he has short pants and a light, elegant shirt. The only thing that catches me, is his panama hat. Everything creates simplicity in him, and it's really nice to see him dressed like this.

In fact, I don't stop smiling like an idiot while he happily says, "I can't wait to get to California."

As soon as I hear that name, I remembered that today, they would leave for the beach. I was so busy with my things that, I completely forgot about it.

As a consequence, he informs with unhappy tone "I'm sad that you are not coming, it would have been nice to have you with us."

At that moment I don't know what to answer. I was so busy with the problems of my life, that I didn't remember to reach out Thomas.

In order not to make him feel bad, I reassure him by saying "Hey, there is always a next time."

I'm not really sure what I said, but I pretend nothing happened. So we just go into the house. Halfway, something prevents him from walking. I believe because of Arthur's presence approaching our direction. He also shows a big smile to his little cousin. His expression is quite serene, asking me the reason for my attendance. Daniel replies in my place, explaining I came to say bye, before they left for California. Obviously it doesn't matter much to him, he just looks at me. His eyes are examining me carefully, and in a really intense way. In fact Daniel is perplexed, let's say embarrassed by the strange situation. But that isn't an excuse to leave me alone. As a result, I feel his hand squeezing mine, as if he were warning me not to pay attention to him. So it makes me understand, he wants to enter but as we move in, Arthur opens his mouth.

"You look different Iris." He says in a cold tone. "Is everything okay?"

I turn around confused, and only there, he smiles at me. "Don't think negatively. What I meant is...that you're like, you're-"

"Beautiful??" Daniel finishes the sentence, making him die of embarrassment. In addition, making the gesture of kissing with his lips.

"Joking aside, are you free tonight? My parents have organized a big dinner. It's honestly nothing special. There will be a lot of people, music and great meals." He laughs silently at the last word. I think also a way to convince me.

Without giving me time to respond, he notifies "Don't worry, you don't need to confirm me now, also because I have to go now."

But before leaving, he stops and without daring to look at my face, he adds, "James will be there, so..."

I watch him walking towards his car. Just a few minutes I notice Daniel's presence, who gazes at me with a wink. I laugh at his funny attitude. Suddenly he changes behavior as we enter. He stands still staring at a person with amazement. It's due to Nikki whom all curious, admires antique furniture. But as soon as she pays attention to us, the figure of the housekeeper scares her. And that makes me a little laugh, because Jamie screams with happiness, as she sees me at the entrance. I think everyone missed me. I understand it from how she hugs me tight, leaving me no time to breathe. She glances with shining eyes, informing me that I'm more beautiful than usual. To immediately switches expression, as soon as she sees Nikki about to touch a vase. She hits her hand so unexpectedly that Nikki startles by surprise, looking at me perplexed.

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